
this message may be offensive
Hey! I know I have not been updating, but things haven't been going well. I am not going to continue to use that excuse however, and I should be updating more soon. I am sorry for the inconvenience or the annoyance it has caused. This past year has been... shit. But things will be better soon.


this message may be offensive
Hey! I know I have not been updating, but things haven't been going well. I am not going to continue to use that excuse however, and I should be updating more soon. I am sorry for the inconvenience or the annoyance it has caused. This past year has been... shit. But things will be better soon.


Hey so before I go on writing I need to tell you I have a multi track brain that goes all over the place when writing. So that is one main reason why I haven't been updating A Slytherin's Mate. So please do not hate me if I am slow because I cannot easily get myself to focus on one thing at a time. Also I will be writing a few more things. One includes a whole ass load of one shots or short stories that you guys can choose to read and/or give me suggestions to write them the way you want. All in all thank you for being so patient with me. Byez!!!!!


Hey!!! Need help finding a Destiel story. It's where people can grow wings later on in life and Dean grows them but he gets tortured by his father because of it. He goes to a new high school where he meets Cas and the rest of them. Please help me. 


Please update A Slytherin's Mate  I like your story so far it's cute and interesting story to read cause I really want to read more of it♡♡ ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡


@ConnieJoao sorry I never got back to you. I am updating slowly its just hard right now. I am under a lot of stress but I am focusing on the story more now. Thanks