
So, I’ve noticed that I’ve gained a few followers this week and wanted to say hi:) btw I am still writing gfa 1 but school and life in general has been busy so I haven’t had as much time as I want to write. I was thinking I could just upload the old version of the story for now until I’m done the new version. Let me know what you think and have a great day!


So, I’ve noticed that I’ve gained a few followers this week and wanted to say hi:) btw I am still writing gfa 1 but school and life in general has been busy so I haven’t had as much time as I want to write. I was thinking I could just upload the old version of the story for now until I’m done the new version. Let me know what you think and have a great day!


I was just reading something about how the Weasley, Black, and Potter family is related and now I'm super confused. Apparently, far back on the family line the Potters and Blacks are related, and then I realised that the Weasleys and Blacks are related. That led me to the fact that somewhere far back on the family line, the Potters and Weasleys are related. So technically, Harry and Ginny are distant cousins. I am not okay. If I am wrong about this please someone tell me.


Hello! My email finally started to work so I will be posting more often! 
          Update on GFA 2: Still in the works so sorry for not posting sooner!
          My secret project is on hold! Yay!
          I just started school today so keep track of me because my updating schedule will be all over the map! 
          That's all I can think of at this moment so have a good day/night!