
Hi friends!
          	We have been rolling out the prizes for our winners but wanted to let you know that if you're expecting a follow from the hosts' personal accounts, you must be following them as per our rules. If you are a winner but unfollowed the hosts because the award ended then we won't be following back.


Hi friends!
          We have been rolling out the prizes for our winners but wanted to let you know that if you're expecting a follow from the hosts' personal accounts, you must be following them as per our rules. If you are a winner but unfollowed the hosts because the award ended then we won't be following back.


Today we celebrate International Women's Day and all the incredible womxn, fems, enbies, thems! 
          From fighting against the patriarchal system and for the right to exist, to taking care of Mother Earth and her wonders, womxn are warriors!  #choosetochallenge the world we live in, so that the generations to come live in a better world!


Happy Sunday everyone!
          The results have been posted and CONGRADULATIONS to all the winners!!! Wooooo!
          Please DM us to claim your stickers :)


@Hot_Chocolate_Awards Thank you for organizing this event. :)


To those who DM'ed us, my lovely co-host will send out your stickers when they're online :)


Good morning fam,
          Thank you for your patience and thank you judges for your hard work. We've had 2 judges disappear on us so it takes a little longer to release results. A lot of times it means the hosts have to start judging what's left behind. Please be patient.
           We're hoping to announce the winners on Sunday, so hang tight!
          If you haven't already sent in your scores judges, please do so ASAP <3


@Hot_Chocolate_Awards If you need help filling judge slots, feel free to message me!


@Hot_Chocolate_Awards if y'all need any help i'd be happy to help out!


Hey peeps!
          This is just a reminder to our judges to get your scores in! Thank you to everyone who has done this so far. You're awesome!


@weird040 We are still awaiting some scores, we hope to announce the winners this weekend.


@Hot_Chocolate_Awards How long do you think it will take for the winners chapter to be posted?


Hello friends,
          We apologize for the tagging issues in the published chapters. Sometimes the tag disappears but shows up in the drafts, we're unsure of why. Thank you to the authors who have self-identified their stories to help the judges! We will be posting the rest of the categories today, thank you for your patience <3


@Hot_Chocolate_Awards I can understand that problem. Don't worry . We can do that much at least :)))


Happy Monday! 
          Our awards are now closed for judging. The category chapters will be released throughout today. You will be tagged in your category chapter and you will be able to see who your lovely judge is (and follow them), so keep an eye out <3


@spikyhedgehog_13 Results will hopefully be announced in three weeks time


<3 Happy Valentine's Day <3
          Did you know that you are amazing?
          Did you know that you are smart?
          Did you know that you matter?
          Because you do!
          This day is not just about chocolates and couples, but also about self love and care. So treat yourself <3