
Every time that I listen to the news I realise that the world is becoming more and more like a Dystopian Novel.


I just want to say something about the situation we find ourselves in today and during this Quarantine period:
          During this time so many people have come together as a community to help those that most need it. We cannot let this change. My favourite quote from J.B. Priestley's 'An Inspector Calls' is: "We don't live alone. We are members of one body. We are responsible for each other." And I think that this is so poignant for this situation we find ourselves in because in this era we are so responsible for one another. One mistake we make could cost another their life. Don't let that person be you. We are all human no matter what race, sexuality, gender or beliefs - whether religious or opinion. It makes me sick that anyone could possibly believe different. No matter what. And if anyone uses religion as an "excuse" I am absolutely appalled. That is no excuse. I've gone to church since I was little and I love every single person that sees this and I hope that you're safe, well and happy. Don't let discrimination stand. Don't let others be treated badly or in any other way than with upmost respect. Everyone is important. Everyone has value. Don't let anyone tell you different. ❤️❤️


Don't get your hopes up too high as it'll take a while and I don't even know if it'll be any good...... But I have something in the works. You may not see it for ages - or ever - but I'm really excited about it at the moment. It's a dystopian fiction with cool magical abilities. But as I said don't get your hopes up I've not finished a story yet.


So the prologue is out its just a little teaser for you so it isn't all that long. I'm hoping the other chapters will be longer (at least 1000 words) but this was just a little bit to get you even more exited. If you can't tell I'm posting messages instead of writing A/Ns because I feel it's really annoying to have them if you are going back and reading a completed story. Can't wait to fully start this thing.
          Love you


So guys! I'm really sorry but exam time is coming up so this week I'm gonna be unable to get anything done and then late June/July as well. I'm really sorry and feel so bad because I'm so exited for this story!!! Please bare with me!! 
          Love ya
          (p.s. a prologue is in the works get exited!!)