
happy pride guys I’m so sorry this is late but I  hope everyone enjoys pride month tho! <33 


❣︎Hey there<3 You know, every once in a while someone amazing comes into your life. And here I am... you're welcome (◡ ω ◡)
          ❥︎☽︎*Clears throat* ok so if you're the only version of yourself, doesn't that make you  and limited edition?◖⚆ᴥ⚆◗
          ❥︎☽︎Start by starting. Yeah, now read that again and start with whatever you gotta do◉‿◉
          ❥︎☽︎Life isn't a fairytale. If you lose your shoe at midnight, you're drunk O-O
          ❥︎☽︎If they treat you like an option, leave them like a choice╮(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)╭
          ❥︎☽︎Life's short. Smile while you still have teethʕ·ᴥ·ʔ
          ❥︎☽︎Speak what you feel and never be sorry for being right.
          ☾︎❣︎That's it for the day! Hope you're doing well, if not, remember that it's just a bad chapter, not your whole story. I'm here if you wanna talk or vent^^ keep safe, take care, lots of love❣︎☽︎


Haii~ Yes, yes I’m very much alive and back with my annoying dose of positivity. You can’t get rid of me that soon don’t worry(◡ ω ◡)
          ☄️Somebody out there is holding their breath and waiting for you to fail. Make sure that they suffocate( ̄ヘ ̄)
          ☄️You’re the artist of your own life. Don’t hand the paintbrush to anyone elseಠ_ʖಠ
          ☄️If you think you’re too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquitoರ_ರ
          ☄️When something goes wrong in your life, just yell: PLOT TWIST, and move on(*❛‿❛)→
          ☄️Doubting yourself is normal. Letting it stop you is a choice⊙﹏⊙
          ☄️You know, today I bought a packet of salted nuts and on the packet it read: “Warning, may contain nuts.” Well I’d be disappointed if I open the packet and a sock fell off(─.─)
          ☄️If we aren't meant to have midnight snacks, then why is there a light in the fridge? O_o
          Sksk I think these are enough for the day. I hope you’re doing okay and if not, remember that this isn’t the end. You’ve a long way to go still, just make sure to put on a smile while on it. I’m here if you want to talk or vent. Take care <3


this message may be offensive
*sneaks into your mb* Psstt, hai there another beautiful creation of God! I'm here to hand you something, guess what?
          ☾︎❣︎Masterpieces aren't finished in a day so don't expect yourself to grow that fas ( ͡◉ ͜ ʖ ͡◉)
          ❣︎☽︎Arguing with stupid people is like trying to kill a mosquito on your cheek. You might or might not kill it but you'll end up slapping yourself for sure (ಠ_ಠ)
          ☾︎❣︎Don't feel bad if someone rejects you. People usually reject expensive things and go for the cheap ones¯\_༼ᴼل͜ᴼ༽_/¯
          ❣︎☽︎ No matter how big a hammer you use, you can't pound common sense into stupid people
          ( • ‿ • )
          ☾︎❣︎Shortest horror story? Monday, duh.
          ❣︎☽︎Hey there, I'm not crazy. I'm just special yk?...no wait maybe I'm crazy. One second I need to talk to myself about this. Hold up...O_O
          Still couldn't guess what it is? It's a S M I L E. I gotta go now, hope you're doing well. I'm always here if you want to talk or if you're down! Baii baii, take care~


Look who's back with her annoying dose of positivity? Me, duh. Now that alone should make you smile but since I'm extremely kind, I'll give you some more reasons to✺◟( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)◞✺
          ❥︎☽︎ Ctrl+Alt+Del : Control yourself, alter your thoughts and delete negativity ( ͡■ ͜ ʖ ͡■)
          ❥︎☽︎ Smile is like a windshield wiper. It doesn't stop the rain but it allows us to keep going*・(^O^)↝
          ❥︎☽︎ #Diet rule 1: If nobody sees you eating it, it doesn't contain calories ಠ ͜ʖ ಠ
          ❥︎☽︎Life tip: Never ask Google for medical advice. I've gone from mild headache to clinically dead in three clicks(-_-メ)
          ❥︎☽︎I finally figured out what's wrong with my brain. On the left side, there's nothing right and on the right, there's nothing left- ⊙﹏⊙
          Sksksk- you smiling yet? Please do, or Imma have to come over to your place. Again! 
          *Whispers*  If you smiled then um... I'm craving for a cookie rn mind giving me one? *Puppy eyes*


Feeling happy and positive? Amazayn!
          Feeling down? No worries, Noé at your service ( ͡◉ ͜ ʖ ͡◉)~
          ✧Some people are like clouds. Once they disappear, it's a beautiful day ( ͝° ͜ʖ͡°)ノ
          ✧Don't worry about getting older. You still get to do stupid things, just slower (˘⌣˘)
          ✧Never laugh at your friends' choices, you're one of them ( •_• )
          ✧Human logic: Cut the trees, made paper out of them and then write "Save trees, save environment" (⊙_ʖ⊙)
          ✧Life tip: Never sing in the shower! Singing leads to dancing, dancing leads to slipping and slipping leads to paramedics seeing you N A K E D.  Thank me later! ✺◟( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)◞✺
          ✧Can you relate: when you find it, you don't need it and when you need it, you don't find it?(-_-;) 
          Smiled yet or Imma have to come and tickle you? Not that I'd mind though if I get a cuppa coffee by the side as well hehehe. 
          Keep smiling and shining. Take care~


          Don't make excuses for nasty people. You can't put a flower in a butthole and call it a V A S E 
          ¯\(̲̅ ͡ಠ_ಠ)̲̅/¯
          Smile is the electricity and life's the battery. When you smile, the battery gets charged and a beautiful day is activated ( ◜‿◝ )♡
          Don't worry about what people say behind your back. They're the people who are finding faults in your life instead of fixing their own ( ´◡‿ゝ◡`)
          Never go to bed angry. Stay awake and plot revenge (͡°‿ ͡°) (I'm not responsible for any mishaps that might follow)
          If someone dares to call you 'ugly' have a good comeback and say 'Excuse me, but I'm not a mirror.'
          I really hope these could make you smile a little, if you're going through hard times just know that it'll pass like everytime! It's gonna be  tough, but you're tougher. I'm here if you wanna talk, take care of yourself ♡


          ✧ » ◇ « ✧ » ✦ « ✧ » ◇ « ✧✧ » ◇ « ✧ » ✦ « ✧ » 
          I was put on this earth just to do two things, to piss people off and make people smile. Which lucky one are you?
          When people walk away from your life, let them. Your future is not about the people who walk away, it's about the people who stay in it for the ride!
          Be yourself. People don't have to like you and you don't have to care.
          Sometimes you have do something what's best for you and your life, not what's best for everybody else.
          When people hurt you over and over again, think of them as sandpaper. They scratch and hurt you, but later you'll be shining and polished while they end up U S E L E S S.
          ✧ » ◇ « ✧ » ✦ « ✧ » ◇ « ✧✧ » ◇ « ✧ » ✦ « ✧ » 
          Did you smile today? Just do it because it's the highlight of your day, if you don't consider so, I'll personally come to your home and have a long conversation with you, alright?(◡ ω ◡) take care, buh bye~


Username change! Was: Richa_moon Is: _Noe_moon
          Ssh! I'm here to give you a very precious thing, make sure to handle with care and not let it drop by any chance. It's a S M I L E( ̄◇ ̄;)
          ✎If someone throws a stone at you, throw a flower at them. But don't forget to throw the flower pot along with it( ꈍᴗꈍ)
          ✎You might've been through a lot but you should be proud of yourself for being strong enough to make it through(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧
          ✎Life's like a camera, focus on what's important, capture the good times and develop from the negatives. And if it doesn't work out, take another shotᶘ ᵒ㉨ᵒᶅ
          ✎In the end, people will judge you anyways. So don't live your life impressing others. Live your life impressing Y O U R S E L F.
          ✎Whenever you feel sad, just remember that somewhere in this world, there's an idiot pulling the door that says "push" (° ~ ° ~)
          Have you smiled yet? If not, just lemme know and I won't leave till I make you smile, mind you I can be really stubborn.  Take care xx


♡Well, I'm just here to give you something today. Guess what it is? A beautiful smile (≧▽≦)♡
          ➠You can't control who walks into your life, but you can control which window you throw them out of( ͡◉ ͜ ʖ ͡◉)
          ➠Listen, smile and agree to whatever they say and then do whatever you're gonna do anyways乁 ˘ o ˘ ㄏ
          ➠ Let 'em hate. Just make sure that they spell your name right(◠‿◕)
          ➠If nobody hates you, then you're doing something boring(>0<;)
          ➠When you get angry, count to 10 and throw a punch at 8. Lemme tell you, nobody expects that (^^)
          ➠Admit it. You've pushed the door that says pull (͡°‿ ͡°)
          ➠Follow your heart but take your brain with you, just in case乁[ ◕ ᴥ ◕ ]ㄏ  
          Okie, that's all for today, hope they brought a tiny little smile on your face, if not, Imma have to try harder. But don't forget to take care, drink lots of water and stay healthy!  Love, love ♡♡