
I have had an extremely busy week last week, and this week will also be busy, so I may not have enough time to update Holy Grail, but I will certainly try. Make sure to keep supporting the book and make sure to take care of yourselves!
          	Have a great day/night, Mochikins
          	xoxo, Hyunna


I have had an extremely busy week last week, and this week will also be busy, so I may not have enough time to update Holy Grail, but I will certainly try. Make sure to keep supporting the book and make sure to take care of yourselves!
          Have a great day/night, Mochikins
          xoxo, Hyunna


For those who are reading Holy Grail, leave a response of what you like about it. I'm excited to know


@brkwizndnnn Is still angy you deleted your books


I ammmm


I've been preoccupied with my family suddenly coming in for the holidays, but will quickly resume the rest of the next chapter of Holy Grail. Thank you for being patient. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Years! Have a great day/night, Mochikins!
          xoxo, Hyunna


Working on next chapter of Holy Grail and should be published wihtin less than a week so be on a lookout for that! Also, give Blood Lust and my oneshot a few reads as well. I will, hopefully, soon find ways to edit Blood Lust appropiately. So wish me luck and have a good day/night!
          xoxo, Hyunna


I started a commitment and I am going to finish it because I love writing. Blood Lust has gotten 1.35k reads, and this has given me all the motivation I need to continue writing. Though, I will be keeping Blood Lust on hold. That is, until I come farther into Holy Grail. I will be doing my best to update at least once every weekend. Wish me luck Mochikins!


Hello everyone, I hope you are all doing well during this pandemic. It is my deepest apologies that I haven't updated. Although we have all this time, I have lacked the motivation until now. Expect an update on Holy Grail and possibly Blood Lust. I will also be introducing a new book I've had in the works for a while soon enough. So keep a look out for that. Thank you for your patience. Have a good day/night, Mochikins
          xoxo, Hyunna


@HyunnaxBTS queen is back periodt!


Happy New Year's Mochikins. I wish to update but I'm still not quite ready. But when I am, I have another chapter ready to type and I'm working on the next one. I've been doing a lot of decompressing and thank you for being patient.
          xoxo Hyunna


I apologise again for no updates on Holy Grail. I'm on break but depression and gift wrapping for a close family has taken up my time and mental capacity. The forth chapter is already written, I just need to type it up. Please forgive my absence.
          xoxo, Hyunna


@HyunnaxBTS  take your time. Your health comes first.


Sorry for no update on Holy Grail. I haven't had time to finish the chapter and I've been dealing with my mental health, and I can tell you guys right now that it isn't looking any better. But I will try harder to get updates up next week. Have a good day/night
          xoxo Hyunna


@HyunnaxBTS aw. if i can help i’m any way, tell me. hope you get better