
Hello there most lovely ones. It has been 15004035909347502347598263473264063284 years since I've gotten back to you all, and I am superdooper sorry :( As EletheWombat calls me, I am 'Captain Disappointment'. Never in a million years did I think people would enjoy Tiger, Tiger as much as they appear to have, and I am desperately trying to get it polished by editing it. When that is done, I am going to try and restart writing Tiger's Eye. That way, the series will have an end and I won't feel so bad about keeping you all hanging and being so rubbish. Things will be slow due to the AWFUL amounts of work I have right now, but I will get Tiger, Tiger to a point where I'm happy to leave it and then continue on with Tiger's Eye.
          	Thank you all squillions for being so lovely/patient, I am working my little socks off just for you,
          	Narnia xox


@I-ate-Narnia im absolutely in love with ur series plz dont stop writing tigers eye


@I-ate-Narnia I'm still waiting to read your second book Tigers Eye :) i hope you've had time to edit Tiger Tiger its been so long since i've seen you update! I miss reading your book and Tiger Tiger is my all time favourite!!


Um hia..... Please tell us all that you haven't given up on tigers eye. I really want to keep reading it