
Just went to the school strike for climate. It had over 80000 people! 
          	 #StrikeforClimate #StopAdani #FuckScoMo


We are strong.
          You may have biceps but we have mind sets. 
          Do not demote us for being right.
          For we have the evidence to stand and fight. 
          We can tell you the world is failing.
          And all your doing is sitting and complaining. 
          The world is getting hotter?
          Oh no!
          Who fault is that? Not mine or hers or the guy next door.
          It's the people so ignorant to what is to come.
          Don't come whining to us when all is chaos.
          We are trying to fix a broken world and all your doing is ripping it into two
          So good luck in this great wide world.
          It's now up to you.


To multiple avid live gamers,
          If you have a microphone, and you are advising the rest of the team great! 
          But do not assume we can not hear you. 
          We hear every insult, every excuse and every bully.
          Just because we can not respond does not make us weak. 
          Do not assume we can’t play because we don’t have a microphone. 
          Do not blame a faulty execution on one member. 
          Do not assume that we could immediately change the sway of the game.
          I play a healer, I need to protection so I can keep your asses alive. If you think I died multiple times because of stupid reasons, maybe it’s because of lack of team awareness. 
          I’m not hear to tell you to change your entire game plan, just remember,
          The quietest ones are the ones who hear it all.