
Sorry to all my readers of Among the Ashes!! I know you’ve been waiting for an update for so long! School got hectic, and I had to focus more on my classes for a while, not to mention I kind of didn’t watch the movies in the time I was gone, and I’m trying to write while I watch to keep the book as accurate as I can to cannon. I’m watching the first movie right now, so I’m hoping to finish chapter four soon. It’s been started since I went on hiatus, but I haven’t finished it, and I want it to be perfect for you guys. Thanks so much for your patience, and I hope you’ll stick around to see my lazy a$$ finish my first book! Thanks y’all and I love you all so much! Feel free to message me any time!!


Wow I'm so so sorry for the delay in my book! I've been on hiatus for a few months because I've been so extremely busy, but I really want to get back into writing. Keep an eye out for new updates, I'm literally rewatching The Hobbit as I write this, so that might give me inspiration for a new chapter tonight :eyes:


Tmw you find an online friend’s account from literally 4-5 on Wattpad and the old website you used to talk on, and she doesn’t respond to you, and she hasn’t been active in 10 months, but you stay hopeful that someday, she’ll come back to her old accounts with her amazing stories and be surprised to see messages from her old online friend that didn’t forget about her and went out of her way to find her, and they’ll reconnect and start to talk more, but all that you can do is hope and pray, because you’ve left her messages every way that you can, since you can’t find an Instagram or anything, and now it’s up to her to come back and see them and return them *deep breath*
          So how are y’all’s days/nights going? :,)