
I’ve updated the “meet the cast” chapter, we have nick names for the selected cast, and we now have a face for ems and Rory’s mum and dad


I’ve got such bad writers block rn, literally don’t know how I’m starting the next chapter or anything? Like who do they talk to? What’s the conversation about? IDK WHAT TO DO UGHHH 
          For the past hour I’ve been writing down notes, like the girl’s personality’s, skills with weapons, people they get close too, mental skills and their interest, like should I just realise a chapter of more information on the girls or should I include this stuff in conversation with other characters? I have no idea what to do!


Right I’ve had a little book in the drafts it’s basically just walking dead memes, should I publish it? And carry it on? I stopped updating it a while ago, but should I re start it?


So I think I posted it a while ago but like there’s 3 parts on there should I carry it on?