
Hey guys! So ik I don't have many followers, but I'd really appreciate it if u guys checked out my deviantart, my username on their is AnimeOtaku05, I don't really sell stuff on there but I mainly just use it to get constructive criticism on my writing and art! U guys have no obligation to check it out tho


Hey guys! So ik I don't have many followers, but I'd really appreciate it if u guys checked out my deviantart, my username on their is AnimeOtaku05, I don't really sell stuff on there but I mainly just use it to get constructive criticism on my writing and art! U guys have no obligation to check it out tho


Thank you for reading Burn Me! ♡ I hope you're enjoying it!


@I_Am_Ocean Thank you! I hope you enjoy the second just as much!


@CherryBlossom402 Ty for writing it! It's an amazing book!