
Spoilers for Fallout 4 because this a rant: When I got the game, I expected a clear ending like New Vegas. You choose your side to stick with until the end. There's no aftermath you have to worry about. So I joined the Minutemen, the Railroad and the Brotherhood. I formed friendships with NPC companions, each with their own backstories and emotions. (The writing was amazing.) I also expected to walk into the Institue, guns blazing and no mercy, revenge sweet on your tongue. But when I strolled through a teleportation device and into the underground remains of CIT, I was welcomed with open arms. These were good, kind people who had their own beliefs same as everyone else. They wanted to help the Commonwealth, and they were prepared to do so. And like every other faction, they were also misunderstood... They also came with their own faults and strengths. Then came the bomb drop (no pun intended): that the Institute's director IS the MC's son. 


@I_Am_The_Raven He wanted to paint a future with his parent that was not the same as the one he could have had if the bombs hadn't dropped during the Great War. Every faction has its ending: one that may render you permanent enemies with the others. I didn't take this into full realization when I chose the Brotherhood to side with, merely because it was the easiest path. And I regret my choice. The MC betrayed the trust of their son and gains a synth child to remind them of their failure as a parent and you're regarded as a hero by the Brotherhood only to be despised by Madison Li as a killer. Preston Garvey calls you a plain mass murderer for killing civilians, and the other companions will comment on your choices. These were characters who I had formed in game relationships with. They were friends. No matter what you do, someone will always be dissatisfied, and that's the cold truth. You can't hide where your true allegiances lie. And yes, I could go back and restart but I know I'll just kill off the people I once called friends. And yes, it's just a game. Fake. False. But the emotions conveyed are real. And the gameplay is too realistic. It wakes you up to a post apocalyptic wasteland. Welcome to the Commonwealth. War never changes.


Spoilers for Fallout 4 because this a rant: When I got the game, I expected a clear ending like New Vegas. You choose your side to stick with until the end. There's no aftermath you have to worry about. So I joined the Minutemen, the Railroad and the Brotherhood. I formed friendships with NPC companions, each with their own backstories and emotions. (The writing was amazing.) I also expected to walk into the Institue, guns blazing and no mercy, revenge sweet on your tongue. But when I strolled through a teleportation device and into the underground remains of CIT, I was welcomed with open arms. These were good, kind people who had their own beliefs same as everyone else. They wanted to help the Commonwealth, and they were prepared to do so. And like every other faction, they were also misunderstood... They also came with their own faults and strengths. Then came the bomb drop (no pun intended): that the Institute's director IS the MC's son. 


@I_Am_The_Raven He wanted to paint a future with his parent that was not the same as the one he could have had if the bombs hadn't dropped during the Great War. Every faction has its ending: one that may render you permanent enemies with the others. I didn't take this into full realization when I chose the Brotherhood to side with, merely because it was the easiest path. And I regret my choice. The MC betrayed the trust of their son and gains a synth child to remind them of their failure as a parent and you're regarded as a hero by the Brotherhood only to be despised by Madison Li as a killer. Preston Garvey calls you a plain mass murderer for killing civilians, and the other companions will comment on your choices. These were characters who I had formed in game relationships with. They were friends. No matter what you do, someone will always be dissatisfied, and that's the cold truth. You can't hide where your true allegiances lie. And yes, I could go back and restart but I know I'll just kill off the people I once called friends. And yes, it's just a game. Fake. False. But the emotions conveyed are real. And the gameplay is too realistic. It wakes you up to a post apocalyptic wasteland. Welcome to the Commonwealth. War never changes.


OCs as songs (pt. 1):
          Violet Lane - When He Sees Me
          Rose Maria Amorite - Dark Eyes/
          Yin - This Man Is Dead
          Yang - The Point of No Return
          Millicent Valex - Where The Lonely Ones Roam
          Madeline - Please Don't Say You Love Me
          Rani Aurum - Control
          AI Prime - Gasoline
          Lucena - Castle
          Countess Vindicta - Hell To Your Doorstep
          Annelise - Once Upon A December 


Ironic how the worst of moods (anger, disgust, fear and sadness) can be derived from the best feeling: love. Anger against anyone who'd hurt the one you care for. Disgust in the sense of the idea of bringing harm to your dearest friend. Fear for the worst when it comes to the possibility of their danger. And sadness. Knowing that they might just slip through your grasp. Yes -- it's ironic. What can build someone's entire world can just as easily rip it apart. Is it so wrong to love...?


@I_Am_The_Raven Who said love was the best feeling?