
So it’s been awhile and I still have to wait but I’m back for the next hour or so. So yeah playing catch up


I don't know how much time I have left so let me say this I don't like how Not In Your Control is going here is the reasons but before I start it is NOT discontinued 
          First reason is James feels fake this is my problem he doesn't have a real personality he is like every other character which is how I want everyone but few characters to feel (James, Sarah, fake Sarah, John, aunt Æłïçə, ect) 
          Second reason is that I have been experiencing procrastination (writers block) on everything and I mean EVERYTHING which is pretty self explanatory 
          Thirdly I don't know what any characters look like so it's hard to write a scene without it being half baked (such as the last few chapters getting to that next) so I plan on drawing the whole cast but one Character (James) because he is supposed to look however you want him too so as of now I will keep what he looks like to myself (unless you guys want to see him I guess I could draw him) so yeah
          Lastly my God I need to redo the last few chapters because they are so lazy and crapy I can't even explain how embarrased I am that I posted those , so expect a LOT of changes in chapters because this isn't how I want this book to have in the finished book (if you guys have any ideas or theories I'd like to hear them or if you want me to keep/get rid of something tell me that's all for now
                                     Bye my people