
I’m gonna change my name, idk why but I am.


So...it’s been like 9 months...okay anyways, I kinda forgot about Wattpad...then I forgot my password and username because I’m stupid. So, hi again?  I know I’ve said this multiple times, but I’m going to try to stay. Im going to edit all my books because I sort of got better at writing (?) I don’t know why I wrote this though, I bet everyone forgot about me lol.


Beautiful Person Award
          Bestowed upon eight candidates whom the  sender deems worthy. 
          Congratulations @Wolfie12378 ! For you are one of the lucky eight! Now that you have been selected, you are obligated to send the Beautiful Person Award to eight others. If this chain were to be broken, no consequences shall be enacted on thee, however, if thee were to continue thy chain, thee would be granted the gift of happiness upon doing a kind deed.
          (Was going to post this on ur thing already, but then I wasn't on for a while, and I forgot )