
Holy cow I came back to like 100 notifications lol. I'm so bad at continuing fan fiction. I do want to get back into writing but I can't guarantee I'll be finishing any fanfic /: 
          	I would like to try. Thank you for all of the likes and comments! 


Holy cow I came back to like 100 notifications lol. I'm so bad at continuing fan fiction. I do want to get back into writing but I can't guarantee I'll be finishing any fanfic /: 
          I would like to try. Thank you for all of the likes and comments! 


Hey guys! I apologize for not updating in awhile, I've gotten distracted. My updates to my stories are mostly random and when I have inspiration. But thank you so much for reading and commenting! I came back to have bunches of notifications, I was so surprised! Thanks again, and I'll try and update hopefully this month, but with the new semester starting I'm not 100% sure. Thank you for the patience and for liking my stories ^o^ 


@ValMoSu thank you so much! Sorry it took so long to get back to you. With school starting back soon I've been busy. But I hope to continue it soon! Thanks again! ^o^


@ IceCreamKing  Don't worry! ^^ and good luck! :3 I'll be waiting for the story's update ^^


Ack, I had the second chapter of Mommy Hisoka all done and typed out, but before I pressed update, my app glitched and closed. TTATT
          I am so angry and sad, now I have to re-type all of that, and I made a super long chapter too.
          Oh well, this doesn't matter all that much, it was just some sucky luck XD


I had my stories The Tiger and The Panther, and Abe The Nurse in my library. I wanted to remove them since there was no point in them being there so I clicked archive, and now they aren't showing up in My Works? If someone knows how to fix this please tell me, I'm greatly confused as to if it's just a glitch or if I accidentally removed them. 


          Thank you so much for enjoying it! I apologize I don't update a lot, but it will be continued eventually, I'll make sure to get to it! When writing I usually wing it, and write just what comes to head. So unless I have "inspirational moments" I don't write a lot XD it's mostly me being lazy/unmotivated lol. Once again I am sorry, I do know I'll get to that one soon! Happy that you like it! ^.^