
God it's been such a long time since I've been back here... hi everyone, how have you all been ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ


Hey there! Just wanted to wish everyone an extremely late happy new year, early lunar new year, and valentine's day <3 I hope you all have been doing well!


@lavendareyes school has been rough but I'm doing fine! Haven't been online in awhile but your notif brought me back :P can't wait to see all your new stuff!


@IcyOrchid I’ve been okay! I’ve missed everyone here so much <3 how are you? 


@lavendareyes omg shay!! How have you been?


Hello everyone!
          FANTASCI has a new book club up and running for all lovers/ writers of fantasy and science fiction.
          Want help with your blurb, book cover, first chapter, worldbuilding, characterisation, plot? FANTASCI has got you covered (ha - well, we thought it was funny). There are three sections you can join, ranging from one-week periods for you busy people and monthly periods for those of you who’re willing to commit for longer periods of time.
          What you get out of it? A larger audience, feedback on your work, and most importantly, being part of a community of writers who support each other.
          The book club is currently in trial phase, so any feedback/ questions are welcomed here - https://www.wattpadwriters.com/t/fantasy-and-science-fiction-book-club/172629
          Sound interesting? Applications are open now! https://www.wattpad.com/story/76648419-through-the-booking-glass-a-book-club


I'm truly honored for all the love that has been given to my stories. I feel like they're not as amazing as so many others, both graphics-wise and writing-wise. I'm learning the crafts, but at a slow and steady pace, and I feel it'll be a long time before I ever create something worth any attention. But still thank you so much for all the love on my books. Over 1K reads on My Hijab Story. Over 4K on Skylight Graphics. Almost 1K on Snowflake Graphics. And honestly the most surprising of all would be the 5K reads on Bright Horizons. My first completed fan fiction that I expected very few reads on. Thank you all so much <3