
hello everyone!! i have been swamped with uni work & assignments but i am slowly but surely trying to get over my writers block! legally blonde is taking its sweet time to come to me but i’ve been trying to write some one shots! if anyone’s interested, i could definitely post these! they’d probably be defenders verse, but perhaps star wars or succession too? let me know if you’d like to see these! 
          	p.s. legally blonde WILL come back i just can’t give you a date!! trust me it is always on my mind 


@Waterloo107 girl i love u so much u have no idea how badly i want to be able to write for lb again


My baby girl you could write a sentence and you know damn well I’ll read it 


hello everyone!! i have been swamped with uni work & assignments but i am slowly but surely trying to get over my writers block! legally blonde is taking its sweet time to come to me but i’ve been trying to write some one shots! if anyone’s interested, i could definitely post these! they’d probably be defenders verse, but perhaps star wars or succession too? let me know if you’d like to see these! 
          p.s. legally blonde WILL come back i just can’t give you a date!! trust me it is always on my mind 


@Waterloo107 girl i love u so much u have no idea how badly i want to be able to write for lb again


My baby girl you could write a sentence and you know damn well I’ll read it 


hey guys! i’m not very active right now (but trust things are in process..) but i saw that wp is apparently deleting the pm feature so just wanted to let you know my instagram is @iebeaus ! i’m not very active on there either BUT if u shoot me a message i will definitely get back to you at some point! mwah lots of love hope you are all doing well <3 


we r SO back. thank u beyoncé. 


assignments are complete. I AM FREE!


hey girl, hope you're doing amazing. Just wanted to say that I just finished re-reading Legally Blonde for the 2nd time now and it's safe to say that it's my favorite DD fic ever. I cant wait for season 3 <3333


omg yay, i'm so excited for it. <3333


awww tysm!!! i’m doing well!! busy with uni stuff but s3 is DEFINITELY on the way!! <333