I'm a nineteen year old female. I was walking into a coffee shop when my and this other girl ordered the same thing at the same time. I found out that she always wanted a Wattpad account but never bothered to make one. This was a month ago. Yesterday, I gave her my username and password so she could get on my account. I found my first friend. Still no boyfriend though.
  • JoinedFebruary 28, 2015

Last Message
Ilovefanfics56 Ilovefanfics56 Jun 22, 2020 11:22PM
Oh wow jeez, it's been three years since I've been on wattpad. I'm discontinuing all of my stories. One of them is going to be adopted by WhatWyattWatt. She was sent the story by a friend and liked i...
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Stories by Samantha
He is an angel. by Ilovefanfics56
He is an angel.
Light never was Kira and is and innocent highschool student who miraculously meets Misa Amane, a Japanese pop...
Do You Care? (Yaoi) by Ilovefanfics56
Do You Care? (Yaoi)
Issac is bullied, abused, and neglected. He is sixteen. Emily, his best friend, tries to make everyone smile...
Cloud Strife x OC (zack's younger sister) by Ilovefanfics56
Cloud Strife x OC (zack's younger...
Zack's sister, Katherine Fair, is working hard to protect and provide for their youngest sister , Megan. Kath...