


"Do you always look so blue?"
          I was asked this question by someone I didn't know
          And I've pondered this question.
          But then I just simply said 
          "Out of all the colors I once had,
          Blue is the only one that still remains."
          - Credit to myself :) :) -


this message may be offensive
"It’s late and i’m thinking about you again.
          I know it’s my fault.
          How we ended and all.
          But I can’t help but want you.
          You’re the definition of perfect
          And i’m the definition of fucked up.
          You may not think you’re perfect
          But baby you’re moving artwork.
          And just the memories of us is more then i deserve
          But i love you
          And I’m sorry for everything
          The moments of pain
          The weeks of anger
          It’s my fault.
          I hadn’t seen an angel until i met you
          I would give anything for a kiss
          But i’m sure you don’t feel the same way
          Broken and hurt 
          I will do anything for you
          But you don’t feel the same
          My emotions are abused
          And my brain is overused
          Can you just put me out of my misery?"
          - credit to @mysecretflaws8781 on Tumblr for the poem -