
I had a killer clown attack at school 


Which school!? 


this message may be offensive
So u think a girl should be raped just to be saved her a a knight in shining armor? Okay look I know this is just a fucking book and shit, but damn your comment can sure say a lot about you. Just like your other "personality traits"  in your bio (again you sound like an ass) you should add fucked  up somehwere in there. For those who sees this and wonder what Is this crazy bitch talking bout this user (who I hope was kidding, but genuinely seemed like she wanted that) commented on a book saying the main character should be raped just so her guy can save her. 


@flourescentxwonder and i also dont get why your swearing at me? That was a long time ago, im more mature but can you please tell me what your complaining about?? 


@flourescentxwonder Hi, this is my other account and i dont know what your talking about?