
Does pregnancy count as cheating in competitive eating events? Or does the reduced mobility make up for the added stomach?


I'm an empath with an Oedipus complex. I just can't help but want to have sex with your mother


@Hilarious-Loveletter  I'm sorry you're at such an advanced stage. I hope you get all the help you need for your condition 


Speaking a language better than a native speaker isn't a flex. Speaking on the same level as a native speaker though, flex away my friend.
          And don't even get me started on people who can't even speak their native language.


With all the food posting I've done on this page, I wonder if anyone's somehow convinced that I'm a discord mod


@averageidiot132  Tha biwws won't pay themsewves X3 ^w^


@Im_Stuff you say this as if it isn't obvious you'd be the discord kitten


@Im_Stuff Hold up... You're telling me that  you're NOT one?


The last conversation between Dantes and Mercedes is really something.
          "You killed one of your enemies, who happened to be my husband after absolutely disgracing his ass, and only stopped yourself from killing my son because I pleaded my heart out. You drove another one to insanity due to having his wife commit murder-suicide with her last remaining child and you're about to kidnap and torture a third one. You've buddied up criminals, bought a child-wife(?)-slave in the Balkans, literally stole a daughter to her father and stole a priest's identity all for the sake of vengeance. You are a true man of God, and what you did was only the right thing.
          Unlike me, despicable human being who is doomed to be forsaken and die alone because...  I married someone else because I thought you would never come back."