
          	Also I got a cat like 4 months ago and I decided to mention it today bc this is the first time opening wattpad since my last post <('>')>
          	Anyway his name is Quito the dorito II and he is chonk ♡♡


this message may be offensive
8Fuck a hater, hit a snitch, you're my girl, my 5 star bitch, I love you more than any dick, && if I don't get this back, you ain't worth shit!! Send this to 8 girls you care about.. I love you, I love you forever!! Whoever stops this will suffer for 83 days!! Ready, set, GO 
          (By the way, you don't have to interact with this, it's just a Recieve and Share type of thing that I got. Also, I hope you're having a wonderful day Ɛ>)


Not dead just clearing out my ao3 tabs before school starts again bc I know damn well I will procrastinate on hw in favor of reading cindereki fics


            <('>')> *squawks agreement*


            Living the dream >:)))) 


I'm going to start writing again since it's summer and school ends for me tomorrow! So heres what I'll do, I'll list a category to a number and you can reply to this with the number of the category you would like me to write.
          1) Anime
          2) Original works
          3) Musicals
          4) Journal entries
          5) Something else (please specify below!)


this message may be offensive
//y'all mf's better wish me luck bc I have testing tmr and I plan to spend most of the night reading death note fics and doing witchy shit


@Immapotatotoo Logic has indeed failed. Good luck on your essay


Today was eventful. I filmed for my play, saw my theatre teacher for the first time in a year, performed with my girlfriend, got told the dumbest and greatest puns of all time from my theatre mates, got icecream with my gf and got proposed to behind the building with dirt on my leggings.
          I think today was a good day :>


          Sam? I’m not sure if you heard the news but...
          A 16 year old black girl was shot and killed by police in Columbus, Ohio. 
          The girl called the police because there two other girls were fighting in front of her house, and she went out to try and break up the fight. She had the knife to defend herself, but instead she was shot by the police that she called. 
          I would've done the exact same thing as she did, and it's scary that she ended up dead while I wouldn't have ended up dead.
          Her name was Makiah Bryant, but I have also  seen her name spelled Makhia as well
          Say her name
          Rest In Peace Makiah Bryant
          Justice will happen 


            I DONT KNOW 
            BUT I WANT CHANGE 


            This pisses me off beyond belief. How many times do we have to go around in this circle? How many more innocent people have to die before we start to think of change? Jfc I hate this world