
An apple a day keeps the Dottore away


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          I would like to join the Soviet Union Cult :3
          I swear I am not working for any countries that went against the Axis and the Soviet Union during both WW1 and WW2 (fuck the Royals for good measure. Stab them with bayonet. I honestly don't care just kill them)
          I swear to be loyal (I like communism and the Soviet Union/USSR :3 )
          You can call me either Vol or Luce (whichever one you want)
          I promise to have fun (I will bring chaos and chaos is fun)


@ImperialJapanCH *casually decapitates a Romanov ghost*


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@UnhingedVolchica hmmm.. +1 point for saying fuck the royals cause me too. Hmm... *Awkward silence* Well Luce, welcome to the Soviet Union cult!




An apple a day keeps the Dottore away


Put a finger down if you have a friend you don't like who talks about Christianity constantly and doesnt even support you but acts like your friend and says they're your friend and says that homosexuality is a sin and you say your going to hell and then they say to not curse yourself and you counter with explaning how they said homosexuality was a sin so youre going to hell but you havent done anything wrong. The only "sins" you've committed were believing in a different religion and being gay. Love this friend group :'D




@ImperialJapanCH its a reference to Good Omens, WHICH IS AN AMAZING SHOW ITS GETTING S3 IN 2026!!!! YOU SHOULD WATCH


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Chat so my friend has a text chat with some kid and she barely knows him and he started calling her babe and she said to not call her that and he was sending her inappropriate tiktoks (idk what they were abt) and then she got mad at him aand he went to OUR OTHER FRIEND (We don't like her, chat) and started dating shit liek "oh I loved you more than her" abd shit liek that and then he strated texting her again and said "its alright you have your reasons" and she said ""Thanks im sure #1 bitch (friend we dont liek) will be happy with you then"" abd then he said "Thanks for your permission" LIEK BITCH NO- NO YOU DONT HAVE PERMISSION EVEN IF WE HATE HER. >:(


@ImperialJapanCH he sounds like a right dickhead


Okay so liek, today rn my friend lost her band shirt for sound post tmrw and asked me to show it to her, I sent her a photo and told her "I'm probably not going to do this every time you lose smth y'know" and she gets all pissed at me and says "Yeah well I'm not lucky enough to have 2 parents who are actually together and my dad telling me to get out of his house" she's talking about me and my family, and now she won't talk to me. I know this isn't reddit or whatever but was I wrong to say I probably wasn't going to help her every time she loses something? Cuz I rly don't know.


@ImperialJapanCH she definitely went too far
            Losing something is pretty minor compared to her bringing that up 
            And I gay that she’s stressed because of losing that when the event is the next day, but that was too far


Plus, I really don't know how having separated parents goes into losing stuff. But maybe that's just because my parents are together.


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Just got through a tornado!!!!! Now I'm going to a band concert while it's still shit outside!!! So preppy coquette core!!!!! 


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OMG that is so aesthetic!!!!
            I live in the UK so I don't have to de with that kinda crazy shit, onstead we have major floods, hail the size of tennis balls or nonstop rain for literal weeks.