
Hey guys, for those of you who are into Teen Wolf, check out my teen wolf fanfic Teen Vampire!  First few chapters are up and more are coming soon! Thank you: ):):)


Yas, Maze Runner all the waaaay! :D


@I_Like_Fat_Ponies cool. I love doctor who and a show called Teen Wolf! :)


@I_Like_Fat_Ponies Merlin is my all time favorite, next to Columbo.


@I_Like_Fat_Ponies  so what tv series do you like to watch?


I need your help!! I've been heartbroken these past few days as I found out the guy I like got a new girlfriend.  I've liked this guy for about a year now but he's two and a half years older than me and two years above me in school. I get off and on the bus with him and sometimes his mum or step dad drops me off at the bus stop or back home. I also do horse riding with his 12 year old sister.  I really like him but I can't tell him now since he has a girlfriend(who is way prettier than i will ever be) and hes genuinely the most nicest gut I've ever met but  I don't think he'll ever see me more than an aquantance or the weird girl he gets of the bus with! I can't move on from him because I'm not like that when it comes to liking a guy (I wrote a song about him and all)...what the hell do I do!!!!???  


Thank you so much! I will keep everything you said in mind! I will hope for the best...hopefully :) once again, thank you :):):)


What ever you want to. if he's a play boy, you might get with him, he might dump her soon, and might get with you. But if he's not, and has been true so far, then their relationship might last a while. Just hope for the best. If you are sort-of-friends, then ask for his number. If your parents know his, then they might organise a day where you two can catch up. Just start up a simple conversation, even though he has a girlfriend. Become friends. Then you're closer. If they do break up, then you will have a better chance at getting with him. Just hope for the best xx


Hey xo My friend miss masked told me you are such a hun to follow xx 


@1916to2016Ireland yeah Mikey she's like a bae 