
Oh jeez dudes, I just published my Harry Potter fanfic thing??? I mean Harry potters not in it but it's that universe and its raddddd. Maybe read it if ya want? Or don't. Either way, it's chill. 


Hey there dudes, so I finished editing Solangelo! Woooow! And I added a new chapter (it's pretty short though) in my attempt to get back into things. Also, I just started a new story! It's called 'How to write goodly' and it's going to be all the things I wish I knew when I started writing. So check it out, or don't, I'm not your mother.


Hello lovelies! I wanted to apologize for the fact that I haven't been updating lately and the fact that I say I will but never do :/ my anxieties been all over the place lately and I just haven't been able to write or do much of anything. I'm trying to get back on track but things have been crazy so we'll have to see what happens. Thank you for sticking with me and reading my stories!


Hello my lovely followers! Sorry I haven't been very active lately; its been a crazy summer for me! I just thought you all should know that all of my stories are on hold for a bit while I edit them. Some of the story lines are probably going to change a bit in an attempt to make my writing and dialogue better. So if you have one of those 'wait when did that happen' moments that's probably why. Thanks for sticking with me for all this time! You (hopefully) won't be sorry!


I'm thinking of starting two different stories. I already have he first part of both of them written. One of them is a Solangelo au. It's them in college. And the other is a Harry Potter thing. It's with a character that I created. Her name is Taylor but she goes by Ty. It's supposed to be after the whole Voldemort thing and she goes to school with Harry's kids and Teddy and all of them. So I can start one or both of them, if anyone wants but only if someone says something because I don't want to start anymore stories if no ones going to read them. So just message me or respond to this if you want one of them started (make sure to specify which one though).


@Imtotallynotapotato  i would be exceptionally excited to read your harry potter fanfic


Hello peoples! So I'm thinking of starting a Facebook page. I'd post when I updated all my stories, random fandom related pictures and just whatever I feel like posting! If you think this is a good idea then just tell me down below. I need 25 followers to be recognized as a page though! And if you want to be an admin because I might be doing those (I'm not sure) then message me!


So... People are seriously pissed at me for what I did to Nico... So um... Sorry not sorry.... But I made it all better... Kinda... Um ya... Just remember at least it's not Percabeth this time... because seriously they have had some real crap!!! So um... I updated and Woooow are you guys going to hate me....