
I'm so deprived of good black brothers content rn
          	Also I have a booklist but literally none of them are at my public library 
          	And I keep trying to work on my incredibly depressing but awesome book but writing fanfics I'm too cowardly to post instead
          	Send help 


          	  Yeah, I didn’t know how to phrase it but that’s what I meant. Like, someone to read it and stuff. Like exposure therapy!


@ImRiot_ idk if I want someone to edit it, maybe just a proofreader? I'd like to hear any suggestions you have and it'd probably be easier to handle just one or two people reading it first


          	  Ahhh, fair enough. I feel that, too.
          	  I mean if you want I can help you edit it? I’m no professional but I’d try.
          	  Yeah I do that, too. Vent in fics, I mean. It’s oddly therapeutic. But, if it’s comforting in any way, there’s no way for anyone to know whether or not you’re venting or anything like that. And it’s totally different to have something that is made with the express intent to let out your feelings and a more subtle vent in a fic, that’s so valid! Most of my fics are (at least in part) vents. Not all of them are entirely projecting, but lots of the character’s internal dialogue are very much projection on my part lol.


I'm so deprived of good black brothers content rn
          Also I have a booklist but literally none of them are at my public library 
          And I keep trying to work on my incredibly depressing but awesome book but writing fanfics I'm too cowardly to post instead
          Send help 


            Yeah, I didn’t know how to phrase it but that’s what I meant. Like, someone to read it and stuff. Like exposure therapy!


@ImRiot_ idk if I want someone to edit it, maybe just a proofreader? I'd like to hear any suggestions you have and it'd probably be easier to handle just one or two people reading it first


            Ahhh, fair enough. I feel that, too.
            I mean if you want I can help you edit it? I’m no professional but I’d try.
            Yeah I do that, too. Vent in fics, I mean. It’s oddly therapeutic. But, if it’s comforting in any way, there’s no way for anyone to know whether or not you’re venting or anything like that. And it’s totally different to have something that is made with the express intent to let out your feelings and a more subtle vent in a fic, that’s so valid! Most of my fics are (at least in part) vents. Not all of them are entirely projecting, but lots of the character’s internal dialogue are very much projection on my part lol.


Guyyyys help me
          I don't like having a name
          Can I just- not?
          I've been going a little crazy for a couple months because of this but I haven't told literally anyone bc I thought it'd pass? Idk, hoped it would.
          I hate being stuck with a body and personality that society connects a gender to, and I hate existing in a world where I have to be identified with a name.
          What is my life rn???
          My internet searches have only led me to feeling more alone in this-
          And I really need to sleep, it's 1:30 am over here  
          Next Google search will be; "How to go to sleep while in the midst of an identity/existential crisis"


Do you publish on Neobook ?


Currently I'm focusing more on my writing than before so I'll be publishing more stuff here soon
            I have some fanfics and character studies started I might post


@niavardeeg4bp0 no, I don't 
            I might someday if people want to read it though


Hey guys, I've rearranged my story and added new chapters. I put a note right before my new poems so if you've already read all my poetry you can skip to the new stuff- read the note though please!
          And also- you don't have to read my new stuff if you don't want. I post it here because it's fun to see what people think and if even one person likes it, I'll keep posting for them. No pressure if my stuff isn't what you like to read!!


Guys... I just realized that Remus eats chocolate to cure his ills... I eat chocolate on my period... 
          Random headcanon, Lily and Remus are great friends, Lily figured out Remus was a werewolf and offered him chocolate near the full moon one time for obvious reasons and now Remus always eats chocolate near the full moon. It's not flawless but I like it.


@ImRiot_ that’s literally amazing 