
i am no longer active here on Wattpad, nor will i update any stories here anymore. please. stop wanting updates.


ok soon i will be re-uploading two of my older stories. i deleted them almost a year ago to remake them since at the time i wasn't the best writer but now i will finally be going back to my original stories and updating those soon. that's really all i have to say except one more thing, soon those characters from the stories i just mentioned will have designs posted on my deviantart account
          ~Zia out


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          so, im typing this at school atm because.... I don't have a computer or tablet at home anymore to update. Tablet was my fault, i dropped it down the stairs DONT JUDGE IM CLUMSY! and the computer got a virus and at the moment my family has no money to buy a new one. So I won't be able to update for awhile now, I do have plans to write some new stories (see previous post) and some newer ones i started working on this year recently.
          Oh yeah, I've gotten into some new fandoms, let's  just say one of them is VERRRRYYYYYY miraculous. To big of a hint? Actually no XD. Anyways see you later! XD
          ~Zia Out!


          do basically i was cleaning my room today and found old stories i've written but never finished, one of them is creepypasta higschool, jsut the characters though but, I wanted to ask you guys if i should post them? SO far i've found, Camp MInecaftia, Creepypasta HIghschool, Sky HIgh Next Gen, Stuck in Your Universe, and Paws the Panther. I think thats all of them. so yeah. heres a bit of info on them all.
          Camp minecraftia is about a school for youtubers, one day the minecraft youtubers go on a foeild trip to a camp for  day, the bus driver goes crazy, kils the teachers them himself, leaving the bus to crash and now all the minecraft youtubers are stuck in a haunted forest and have to escape and survive.
          Creepypasta HIghschool follows the story of a HIghschool developed by SLenderman himself to show a new generation of creepypasta the ways of the creepypasta life. might ask people to hand in creepypasta OCS for this one
          Sky high Next Gen is based on the MOvie from disney in either 2005 or 2006 where its basically a school for superheroes, all teh original characters grew up and had kids of there own and now the next gen must live up to their parents names, maybe.
          Stuck in your universe is based on steven universe and basically me and two of my irl friends, Sonny and Matthew get stuck in the Steven UNiverse world and have to get back.
          Paws the panther will be posted no matter what since i have 4 chapters ready to go.
          Ok im almost at the work limit so i have to end this here,
          bye every one!
          ~Zia Out!
          (omg longest, post, EVER)


so, since im going to be doing cyber schooling soon, i should be able to focus on my stories and revise them (hopefully there's a writing class i can take) so at the moment, im slowly rewriting, remakeing, and kinda almost completely changing my stories. and i finally have my own laptop so i can sit in my room and just write all i want without being bothered thankfully. so yeah this is just a quick update and i'm planning on writing a book on my creepypasta OCS (and maybe some friends OCS x3) very soon. im actually working on character one at the moment, (wont spoil anything) so, look forward to that. also i am working SOOOO HAAARD on rift and wanted. i know my one friend loves wanted and wants me to continue it, i also have wings of fire spin off books im writing and i jsut ahve so much xD (but dont worry i can do it x3) and i dont know if i should make a seperate book for all my creepypasta's and or jsut put them in the OC book im fixing up. also when that goes back up i would love to see art of them cause im a freaking terrible drawer xD. so yeah, just a quick (and slightly long) update, now its 1:30 in the morning so im depbating whether i want to sleep or go get coffee and stay up all night writing xD.
          so anyways, see you later everyone! also, if you lvie in america or anywhere else that celebrates thanksgiving, HAPPY THANKSGIVING x3 (also i justt had my birthday pass a few days ago so, happy b-lated to me)
          ~zia out!


so, uh, i'm takeing down some of my sotires. BEFORE YOU START RANTING! I have a reason. some of my actual stories aren't that good and I feel like a need to rewrite them, rift is good but I got to quick into the action, and I have so many in my unpublished section that I need to revise, so that's why I don't really post much on my actually stories so I can focus on trying to revise and rewrite them. Now for updates, I've been doing a Crush x Reader and would like you to check it out, also go check out @Manu__LP , she's a good writer and a good friend of mine. Oh and I literally have no dieas for anything so if you would like, give me ideas for a story! also I might do a contest soon to get a personalized crush x read (even though I only have one but whatevs)
          well that's it (for now)
          anyways, boi!


@ZiaWatcher Naaah i'm bad at writing XD