
So this is the comfort board Eliza, my co-author for LIT(Living In The Greatest City In The World: Hamilton) was talking about. Everyone should be able to talk about these kinds of things anonymously or not. It's a safe haven for anyone with suicidal thoughts and I truly hope it provides some comfort for everyone out there. One of our very good friends, let's call him Cloudy, was recently contemplating suicide. Cloudy is pretty cool, but keep in mind he is a year our junior. And I spoke quite frankly to him: if you killed yourself, so would I. I'm sure that there are people out there who truly do love you and world be heartbroken if you were to disappear. (Excuse my DEH references). So this is a place where you can reach out your hand. And I will come running and so will everyone else. I swear there is always someone. I recently just moved from a place that I had lived in for six years. And this was a big move, not some small city move. It was cross country. And at first, I felt so alone. The only friend I had was the one given to me by the school and I tried so hard not to latch on to get because she has her own life. Instead, I held onto the past, chatting it up with my old friends back home. It was today when I finally found someone who came out and told me, hey I'm your friend. That small gesture kept me going the entire day. It only takes a little. Look forward to things. I look forward to when I'll finally get to go to college with all the friends I've made in all the places I've moved. Keep looking up, and always remember: You are not alone. 
          	Signing off,


@Infinity_Moon_36 remember that no matter who you are, you are in this world for a reason and trust me, people will miss you if you're not there. If anyone bullies you or makes fun of you saying you're ugly or useless, keep in mind that they're the salty ones who have nothing better to do and whack em' virtually in your head with a baguette wHOOPAH


Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate
          	  Our greatest Fear is that we are powerful beyond measure
          	  It's our light not out darkness that frightens us most


          	  H - hold
          	  O - on
          	  P - pain
          	  E - ends


          ~Once you are given this award you are supposed to paste it to 8 other profiles who deserve it. Once you break the chain nothing happens, but it's nice to know someone thinks you're beautiful on the inside and out~
          Thanks for being an amazing co-author, Angie!


Oh, and sister


So this is the comfort board Eliza, my co-author for LIT(Living In The Greatest City In The World: Hamilton) was talking about. Everyone should be able to talk about these kinds of things anonymously or not. It's a safe haven for anyone with suicidal thoughts and I truly hope it provides some comfort for everyone out there. One of our very good friends, let's call him Cloudy, was recently contemplating suicide. Cloudy is pretty cool, but keep in mind he is a year our junior. And I spoke quite frankly to him: if you killed yourself, so would I. I'm sure that there are people out there who truly do love you and world be heartbroken if you were to disappear. (Excuse my DEH references). So this is a place where you can reach out your hand. And I will come running and so will everyone else. I swear there is always someone. I recently just moved from a place that I had lived in for six years. And this was a big move, not some small city move. It was cross country. And at first, I felt so alone. The only friend I had was the one given to me by the school and I tried so hard not to latch on to get because she has her own life. Instead, I held onto the past, chatting it up with my old friends back home. It was today when I finally found someone who came out and told me, hey I'm your friend. That small gesture kept me going the entire day. It only takes a little. Look forward to things. I look forward to when I'll finally get to go to college with all the friends I've made in all the places I've moved. Keep looking up, and always remember: You are not alone. 
          Signing off,


@Infinity_Moon_36 remember that no matter who you are, you are in this world for a reason and trust me, people will miss you if you're not there. If anyone bullies you or makes fun of you saying you're ugly or useless, keep in mind that they're the salty ones who have nothing better to do and whack em' virtually in your head with a baguette wHOOPAH


Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate
            Our greatest Fear is that we are powerful beyond measure
            It's our light not out darkness that frightens us most


            H - hold
            O - on
            P - pain
            E - ends