
Welp, this is it. The remastered SB+R: KB is finally here. I finished the prologue a few days ago, but I'm working on the first few chapters right now. But anyway, here is the link to it:


So, hey everyone, I'm back. And I have some special news! I'm bringing back Smash Bros. + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle! I know that creating a Smash Brothers fanfiction combined with the Rabbids on a story platform mainly made for more mature audiences, but it doesn't matter too much. Originally, SB+R: KB was kinda messy with its writing, especially how some characters were rescued/revealed to join the party. But I've gotten pretty better with my writing lately, so I thought I'd just return to something I'm mostly familiar with. I might create a new account in order for this new story to work, but we'll see. Oh yeah, by the way, someone straight up stole my cover and story elements from the original SB+R: KB and just inserted their own characters in it, so now I really want to renew SB+R into something more fresh and actually worded correctly.  So stayed tuned for updates on the story! Until next time!  
          (Oh yeah, and here's the link to my stolen story: (Just thought I'd show it to ya.)


@InkyBlues Wow so they basically copied your story... Just wow


Hello, followers, long time no see. So, if you've noticed, I unpublished Smash Bros. + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle from my page. Now you may be wondering why I did it; well, the reason for that is because I'm currently starting to work on a new Smash Bros. fanfiction titled "Life of the Ultimate Fight", and I don't want SB+R KB to get any sort of traction from the current story I'm working on, since that story was so...discombobulated and all over the place with character interactions.  So yeah, I'm returning back to Wattpad with a bigger and better story that everyone can enjoy! I hope you like it when the first chapter is out! And with all that said, I'll see you all later. Bye!


When will the next one be posted? I'm interested that your Smash Bros + Rabbids stroy is going really well! I'm very patient and I'm really calm when a new chapter releases.


@Tamagotchi261 Currently, I'm updating my previous chapters of this story, like fixing little mistakes, and rewriting a few oddball things, and also, I'm changing up the writing style on each chapter, mainly because I way I write the story now didn't look write. So I'm rewriting them into the modern style of writing. But don't worry, once I finish rewriting all the chapters, I next chapter will come out.