
Heya guys! I'm sorry that I've been absent from most for the past few weeks. Life has been very rough with my school getting shut down probably until summer. I'm not doing very well in my classes as I'm a physical learner, but I'm trying my best. In the meantime, I am going to work on a new story while I get some inspiration back for Ironheart's Love. It'll be about Wings of Fire, and I already have the characters set! You can see more of these kiddos on my Amino page, which I will soon be linking in my bio. Until then, thanks again for being my followers! I will be around still, so don't be afraid to send me something if you just want to talk to me, here or on Amino!


@InkyTwilight it’s good m8. i died for like a year on wattpad soooo.. can’t wait to read ur stories!


Heya guys! I'm sorry that I've been absent from most for the past few weeks. Life has been very rough with my school getting shut down probably until summer. I'm not doing very well in my classes as I'm a physical learner, but I'm trying my best. In the meantime, I am going to work on a new story while I get some inspiration back for Ironheart's Love. It'll be about Wings of Fire, and I already have the characters set! You can see more of these kiddos on my Amino page, which I will soon be linking in my bio. Until then, thanks again for being my followers! I will be around still, so don't be afraid to send me something if you just want to talk to me, here or on Amino!


@InkyTwilight it’s good m8. i died for like a year on wattpad soooo.. can’t wait to read ur stories!


I’ll still feel guilty for not helping more, but I have a question for you. Would you like to be named Necer in my PMD story? There’s a certain little dragon going to be featured within a few chapters that’ll need a name. I’m planning on writing the stories over break when I’m detoxing from exams. You’ve made such a big impact on me, giving me inspiration that I couldn’t find. 


I just was fiddling around with it not on the app. At the top of the page, it should say Write next to ‘Go Premium’. Click it, and there should be two options, the first one is Create a new story and the other is how you’re able to view/edit them. 


Are you on the app or on PC/Laptop? If you have the app, there is a little icon in the middle with a pencil. It allows you to make/edit a story from there. If you’re on laptop, there’s a little gear that allows you to make new stories if I’m correct. Sorry for the long wait, exams are right around the corner for me so I’ve been really slammed this week.


I was so anxious the first time I wrote something, but I told myself that if anyone doesn’t like it they don’t have to read it. Be confident in yourself, as writing is something to improve on. Nothing comes easy yes, but it all comes down to if you really want to try for it. 
          Heads up, your first try is probably going to be really hard, if not THE hardest thing you’re going to face while being a writer. You’ll probably beat yourself up on every little thing that you find your, but to me, having a narrow mind during the rough draft portions help. Get the plot down first before adding the little things. 
          If there is something extremely important, make yourself a desperate document (assuming that you use google docs before pasting into WattPad) as a reference. Try to keep it organized! I learned it the hard way!
          Sorry if this seemed a bit long, but this is the first time I’ve ever been told I inspired someone. It’s such an honor :)