
Just created an account on Inkitt where I will be posting my completed works as well! If anyone wants to give me a follow on there, my user is the same as it is on here! 


@quillmistress right?! Especially if we tag everything properly and rate the stories the right way!! 


@InsufferableKnowItAl Oh good. I had to create a whole new account on here for that reason. Like, geez let us write what we want.


Just created an account on Inkitt where I will be posting my completed works as well! If anyone wants to give me a follow on there, my user is the same as it is on here! 


@quillmistress right?! Especially if we tag everything properly and rate the stories the right way!! 


@InsufferableKnowItAl Oh good. I had to create a whole new account on here for that reason. Like, geez let us write what we want.


Hope everyone is doing well! It has been so long since I've genuinely spent some time on here, I am so sorry for the hiatus! 
          Life has been so wild, and I recently got a new job that required for me to relocate to a new state, so I've been getting settled in. 
           I'm currently trying to get back into writing and updating stories. Do I have any requests on what you guys want to see an update from the most?
           I'm in the process of rewriting the chapters of "The Real You and Me : Watsman." but anything else I am all ears for!