
Hello everyone, I am in the process of making a great zombie book and I'm struggling with the thought should it be in 3rd or 1st person? Any comments would really help!


I hope I helped!


@ZCPearce  Yes those are very good questions to ask indeed and I appreciate you telling me so. Thank you.


          	  Hi! I saw your comment on How To Get Reads, Votes, and Comments. I think it would help to think about questions like these: Do you have a main character in mind?  If so, do they have a distinct voice or attitude that would be better shown through 1st person? Or maybe you have a few main characters? Would be better to write it in 3rd person so all their personalities can flourish? 
          	  I hope I was able to help some!


Hello everyone, I am in the process of making a great zombie book and I'm struggling with the thought should it be in 3rd or 1st person? Any comments would really help!


I hope I helped!


@ZCPearce  Yes those are very good questions to ask indeed and I appreciate you telling me so. Thank you.


            Hi! I saw your comment on How To Get Reads, Votes, and Comments. I think it would help to think about questions like these: Do you have a main character in mind?  If so, do they have a distinct voice or attitude that would be better shown through 1st person? Or maybe you have a few main characters? Would be better to write it in 3rd person so all their personalities can flourish? 
            I hope I was able to help some!


Hi everyone my name is Isabel, I have been writing "Betting With the Bad Boy" but for now it is on hold for the reason of I don't know if I'm completely satisfied with it as of right now so I'm not sure whether or not I'm going to just update the story or continue but in better content but as for now it is on hold and if anyone has sent me a notification or has followed me and I haven't followed back well its because the notifications are a lot right now and I don't understand how I'm getting them even when they don't have to deal with me as a Wattpad user but anyway if you followed me inbox me so I can follow you back and if you have any requests let me know thank you for your time!<3


          Thanks for the follow!
          If u have time, go check out my on going story! 
          Have a great day!


@xxBruhItzMehxx I hope you have a great day too !! Same to you from me!! Will do ❤


Hello, I wanted to say thanks for following me. I have had a good run for a year on Wattpad and wanted to say this to another author as well; thank you for contributing in following me!!! I appreciate it!~ ^^


@Isabel-vv9 thanks ^^
            {I'll also let you in on a place where I now make drafts for my books and publish them later on. Heres a link ^^: (Writer, the Internet Typewriter)}


@ARTISTIAChan Its a pleasure❤ Hope your books are going great!