
Helllooooooooooo friends!!!! I'm back FINALLY! :D
          	First off, I would like to apologize sincerely for being so inactive lately. :/ I had been awfully busy these past few weeks, what with the Fashion Week thing and all the exams. :( 
          	But I have updated on Twice Upon A Time with two mindblowing parts again and I hope you all will enjoy reading my story. :)
          	God bless all of you. Loads of love. <3 :*


Helllooooooooooo friends!!!! I'm back FINALLY! :D
          First off, I would like to apologize sincerely for being so inactive lately. :/ I had been awfully busy these past few weeks, what with the Fashion Week thing and all the exams. :( 
          But I have updated on Twice Upon A Time with two mindblowing parts again and I hope you all will enjoy reading my story. :)
          God bless all of you. Loads of love. <3 :*


Where are you?! When will you update?! I can't wait to read the rest :(


@ItWasFridayThe13th We were in Tarrant Hinton... It was Great Dorset Steam Fair last week so that's why. We did go into Poole on the first Sunday and I was in complete awe at those Sunseeker boats!!


@jadedecamps Where in Dorset? Poole? :) I heard the weather over there is simply brilliant. ^_^


@ItWasFridayThe13th haha it's fine! I've been away in Dorset this last week so I'm now playing catch up :)


esta mensagem pode ser ofensiva
Hey people, check out my new story "I Did Not Kill My Wife". The plot revolves around an innocent man who is framed for killing his own loving wife. It's a suspense-thriller based on 19th century London. Read it. I shall be glad. And once again, do pardon my Britishness in the book. :D But I assure you it's interesting like most of my other books, again with a twist in the tale. :P
          Love all of you. <3 Do read it and give me your wonderful feedback. I'll be eagerly anticipating the results. :)


@Crazy_author231 is one of the best writers I have come across on Wattpad. Eloquent, with the perfect idea of pacing a story, you will get hitched with her stories for sure. Help her get more recognition (she's already getting lots), but still, my friends from all across the world, help her catch the eyes of the world. :) She deserves it. She's one of the most perfect authors you'll find in your lifetime. Just read her stories, and you'll find out. Vote and comment too if possible. I'm one of her biggest fanboys on here. 
          Alright, that wasn't exaggerated, but *shush*. :D


@ItWasFridayThe13th haha, oi! I think I am a bit.... perhaps... maybe o.0 ;'D


@ItWasFridayThe13th aww, I'm sure she is really nice :D my mom's loopy xD


esta mensagem pode ser ofensiva
@Shimaira is one heck of an awesome writer. Some of the stories will actually scare the living shit out of you and make you throw up everywhere. In my opinion, she's arguably the best writer of Horror on Wattpad. 
          Side note, please don't read her stories at midnight. You know bloody why. :D


@ItWasFridayThe13th *flushes red*
            asdf ♥__♥
            THANK YOU *tight hug*


Hey peeps, @Pierce_THE_heart94 is an excellent writer of fanfic. :) Do check out her Vic Fuentes and Kellin Quinn fanfic.


@Pierce_THE_heart94 Mention not. It's the least I can do for you. :)