
I am so. Freaking. Bored.
          	Somebody give me something to do.


Chaper 6 of Oxygen has been released! Will the team be able to  build a civilization in their surroundings? Can they even breathe without their helmets? What secrets will unfold? Why am I asking you all these questions?
          Read to find out, my friends. Read to find out.


Iliad game is going spectacularly!
          That is, until my trial on the program I'm using expired.
          I'd LOVE to purchase the full version, but sadly, my computer
          has some sort of virus... so I'm a little scared to do anything just yet.
          GOOD NEWS: I'm back on Wattpad for the moment, and will update Oxygen this week. Yay for me, and my very few fans!


@ItsTetraTime I like Oxygen, but if you made it into a RPG then it may spoil, I want to see the Iliad as a RPG (made by you).
          So C. and I hate your status ,_, (Just kidding, but why?)


@CanadianGuy Because I decided WAY before you commented. Nice observation on the 'spoiler' thing, though, you were right about that.


Lol on the fourth of July I am leaving 'murica to go to Canada xD But how is my feedback 'invalid'?


Vote: Which should I make a role-playing game about as my first RPG maker project?
          A: Oxygen
          B: The Instrumentalist
          C: The Iliad (Trojan War, Adventures of Achilles)
          A and C may turn out really good, but I'm not sure if B would suit the genre of game. Tell me what you guys think! ;)
          Em is out!


Lady update your book D:<


Hiatus is over now!


Wow, can you even read? XD
            If you're talking about Oxygen, it's on hiatus, and might remain so for a REALLY LONG TIME.
            I'll work on getting it OUT of hiatus this weekend, though. I promise!