
Just wanted to let you guys know that I have not given up on my stories and they will still be updated, bear with me 
          	Summer vacation officially started so I will do my best to make an updating sheduale so I can be more consistent, but yk, life.
          	But soon!!!
          	-Liam (Literally the coolest man you'll ever meet but okay /j)


Just wanted to let you guys know that I have not given up on my stories and they will still be updated, bear with me 
          Summer vacation officially started so I will do my best to make an updating sheduale so I can be more consistent, but yk, life.
          But soon!!!
          -Liam (Literally the coolest man you'll ever meet but okay /j)


Is ALPTLM gonna get an update soon? (No pressure, but it’s been like 5 months)


@ToastiezHere Yes it is! Unfortunatly I was quite bussy with finnishing up my high school final exam and some stuff before college next year :) The next chapter is already written, but my Bèta reader still has to go over the last bit, and with them being in college, they've been bussy. But it should be commin out in the near future. :D


Hellu person :> i really liked the schlatt story you made, I wanted to ask you if I could put the name 'Schlitz' as a username. Thank you <( ̄︶ ̄)>


@ _L4zyW0lf_  Alright, Thank youuu! :D


@_L4zyW0lf_  Thank you! I don't own the name Schlitz (I just looked up a list of American beer brands) so Your free to use the name!