
Hello guys.
          	Am so sorry for updating so late. I was busy with other things & didn't had clear idea to execute the story.Really sorry for the delay.Hope you all enjoy the updated part.


Hey y did u deleted the story of urs myan that was my fav1 I got some real connections & emotions plzzz upload it I wanna read I'm somewhat like desperate I really love this1 is best plzz publish 


this message may be offensive
@Itszoyaa fame is a fucked up thing even if u do ryt things it goes under wrong we dk is he ryt or wrng its a ?mark nowadays truth needs proofs it should be proven yeah u r innocent... Like that none believes in words who's accused everyone believes the victim they maybe ryt can be wrng too,....... Ek baar upload kardo mohatarama I'll take ss & later u delete if possible :) 


@Vinayao In a word where women's rights are so easily violated & the rich & influential do get away after doing anything wrong MOSTLY, I strongly that the voice of poor & oppressed should be believed more. So I can't trust that the guy is innocent when the truth isn't out. I would rather be sad over the fact that I believed someone who wrongfully used such a sensitive matter for their own selfish reason & blamed an innocent person then to be embarrassed & disgusted over the fact that I defended a molester. If the truth is not out & one when have to believe either of the two sides then I would rather believe the victim. This is it. 


@Itszoyaa Mohatarama we live in a world where innocent gotta prove thag we r innocent but they can't saying accusing judging is easy but issue didn't got closure who is wrong & ryt didn't proved without a closure we can't say decide anything until truth comes out rest everything r our assumptions. 


Hello everyone
          I am really sorry for not updating since soo long.I had no motivation to write & had no ideas but I finally updated.
          Once again really sorry for the inconveniences.I hope you enjoy the latest part.


Hey guys 
          I am really sorry for updating so late.Almost a month.I had my reasons for that.But for the reason that I made u guys wait so long.I made this chapter long & tried to make it interesting.Hope you all like it