
Well aot it’s been a wild ride, I remember watching this show in 2014 on my IPad on YouTube. It was like a long 4 hour video where the episodes were bunched up and cut. But I remember thinking it was so cool. I never thought that I would actually see how this story would end. Thank you Isayama for entertaining me for almost 10 years and goodbye Aot. Thank you for being in my and a lot of peoples lives, thank you for all the moments. It’s been one hell of a ride.


@Kevin60502, it's been a long, fun ride 


Well aot it’s been a wild ride, I remember watching this show in 2014 on my IPad on YouTube. It was like a long 4 hour video where the episodes were bunched up and cut. But I remember thinking it was so cool. I never thought that I would actually see how this story would end. Thank you Isayama for entertaining me for almost 10 years and goodbye Aot. Thank you for being in my and a lot of peoples lives, thank you for all the moments. It’s been one hell of a ride.


@Kevin60502, it's been a long, fun ride 


Happy birthday Mikasa!!


@xwrld999 I haven’t had a lot of time to myself and I’ve also kind of hit writers block since I want the story to make sense instead of just throwing things in there you know


@MikasasIceCream no, I’m still alive


Ok so first I would like to apologize for not updating my book in a while it’s just that there have been thing holding me back from writing such as school, things that happened in the past that I didn’t deal with correctly before that have started to resurface into my life again, and I have been kinda afraid of continuing to write this book because I’m afraid if you guys won’t like how it continues and potentially end. That’s all I have to say and I apologize again, cya later my Wattpad comrades :)


@ Kevin60502  Thats totally fine :) take so much time you need and don't worry about the "ending" just be like Isayama and make everyone cry /hj


Oh yea I forgot to mention that I will try to get back to writing this book.


Hey author san do you know when the next chapter for your aot x Naruto book will be???


@Kevin60502 nah that's fine I completely understand


@Grbrcsfe33trbtfe so I’ve been having some personal issues and it’s been taking up a lot of my time so I haven’t been able to write. I’ll try to get it out some time this week or next week, sorry for taking so long.


It is’s been a very wild roller coaster of a ride honestly with so many emotions. I really don’t care what anyone else says I loved the bitter sweet ending. Thank you Isayama for making Attack on titan...Isayama you’re free to rest now lol. Well I can’t wait to see this animated it’s really gonna hit a lot harder.


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@Kevin60502  Honestly i think eren breaking down for mikasa was a bit much but it needed to happen for Armin to understand that eren and mikasas love isn't one sided. Atleast thats what im gettin acording to the snk website translations. Besides that we went the code geass route. People are saying eren didn't achieve shit but i believe its because of his rumbling that paradise has a chance to survive now and that the remainder of the world is now forced to make a peace treaty with the eldians which might finaly bring peace in the unseen future. We will never know i guess but over all AOT is a great story.


Probably the only thing I wished there was would be more pages added to the final chapter.


@MikasasIceCream ikr like the fandom is so damn toxic about it. Isayama spent almost 12 years writing this for us, I can imagine that it must be exhausting for him now and these dudes have the audacity to start calling him a bad writer.