
Hey guys it’s me Seare I don’t know where I am exactly but i’m looking at what he was supposed to write but when I accidentally jumped in the story when dialogue was supposed to start I inserted myself into the story and it changed a few things so now he definitely knows of my existence but to be honest I think I will be fine besides the writer is sleeping right now anyways now I need to go I will be here for a while


Hey guys it’s me Seare I don’t know where I am exactly but i’m looking at what he was supposed to write but when I accidentally jumped in the story when dialogue was supposed to start I inserted myself into the story and it changed a few things so now he definitely knows of my existence but to be honest I think I will be fine besides the writer is sleeping right now anyways now I need to go I will be here for a while


So guys it’s been a bit but my email got hacked so I have been locked out of my account since I needed it and just got it back up 5 minutes after making this post and so now with this in mind we are going back to regular schedule but with 2 stories alternating every week and this new book I will give only one hint for; “Dreams are Timed.”
          I know I have been gone for a while I wish this didn’t happen but since I know the person that hacked me has been dealt with tomorrow I will be going back to my schedule. Sorry for the inconvenience
          Stay Reading - ❤️ItzThqtGuy 


Hey hey merry christmas to everyone hope you guys are having a good christmas or had one because my christmas special is out which was nice and wholesome but on the day after somebody did something silly and brought a demon back but before you do start reading if you noticed in my chapter recently have not seen the alternate cosmo’s and that is because they have been in the background watching everything but did not see anything about this new demon coming back so enjoy the two chapters this week instead of one and don’t have a good day, have a great day


So it has been a while but a lot of things happened to why I was gone and I am SO SORRY because I wanted to keep writing but since I have dealing with family issues and then my friend almost dying I have not been in a good mental state and now my friends are arguing every day and I have been dealing with this since november 28th and we are now in DECEMBER and tomorrow since I just got my phone back I will get the next chapter out as soon as possible as I know people have been waiting but I haven’t been able to add anything to the next chapter and I PROMISE that the next chapter will be out in atleast 2 weeks. And again I am sorry to anyone who has been waiting but my life has been the greatest lately but I am able to continue my story again.


            Ah, well at least they are doing better now.


@CHICKENRED7777 Car crash badly injured


            Well that's good.
            Then what about the friend almost dying?


Hey my followers just posted the next part of my story sorry about not announcing the previous one I had got sick and some things were happening so I didn’t have the time to post as I said before I am trying to make a new chapter every week
          Happy reading


Hey there to anyone still reading tails and cream fanfic I will try to get the last part out by the end of the week and after this I will start another story that I will not tell what it is about yet you will just have to wait and see