
Earlier today I posted the prologue and chapter one of my new Harry Potter Fanfic. If you love Malfoy, give it a read!


So I just published the first chapter of my new book. I know I basically said that I wasn't gonna do much more with BNHA but I've been working on this story for a while and I actually really like it unlike my first story "Not So Shy". I do hope you all enjoy it


Dear Followers (Please Read!),
          So, here's the thing... I might end up deleting my BNHA book Not So Shy. I'm also thinking about not rewriting it like I planned to, I'm just thinking about deleting it all together. Here's my reasonings:
          1. I'm just not interested in writing it anymore.
          2. My interest in BNHA has plummeted almost completely.
          3. I have MANY other story ideas that I want to do and Not So Shy is really stressing me out and getting in the way
          4. I don't enjoy the book, and I feel like, as an author, I should enjoy my works.
          5. There's a lot of hate on it, and normally it doesn't bother me, but recently it's becoming too much and I've lost the motivation to keep writing the rewrite because I'm afraid it will be just as bad
          I will, however, be making a Anime Character x Reader One Shot book, which I will still write about some characters from BNHA in, so I hope that makes up for it.
          I hope you all understand. I will be posting another "chapter" on the Not So Shy book for those who don't follow me so they can know about this decision as well.
          Anyways, once again, I hope you guys understand where I'm coming from. And for those who enjoyed the book, I appreciate you.
          Alrighty, that's it from me. Be ready for new books coming... Eventually...
          Hope you have a good day,


Alright I understand but that also means I’m gonna need to read it one more time even if other people are hating on it I enjoyed it and I’m gonna miss it but you gotta do what you gotta so


Hello echo! It's been a while since I've read your book! I just wanna say that you're book "Not so shy" was amazing and was my 2nd fanfic book the first time I went to the Mha/anime fandom, Im in another acc now I just recently logged into this lol, I just wanna say that you're amazing!! So keep being amazing!♡♡♡♡ 


@Echo_Is_Me I LOVE your book ’not so shy’ and I was wondering when the next chapter will be published??


@Echo_Is_Me I totally understand if you do not have the time, though I am excited for this week’s chapter. 


@Fanfiction_writer22 Thank you for the love . I know I haven't posted a new chapter in a while and I've been trying to find a good time to do so, but with online school and home life, finding a good time is a bit difficult. Although, I am hoping to post a new chapter sometime this week (hopefully ). Thanks again for the love and I hope to bestow upon you (and all other readers) a new chapter soon! 


So I wanna start a BNHA x reader one shot book but idk if I should. If any of you people would wanna read something like that let me know and maybe leave a request of who you wanna see and a little of how you might want it to play out. Idk if I'll do any lemons/smuts but idk. Anyways thats for listening- or reading- me babble on. Hope you have a good day/week/month/year/life and stay beautiful.