
Well.... Guess who got sick this weekend! my nose is just congested so I cant breathe from it haha. My throat is super dry.... And you would think I have the day off cuz of Columbus day.... Well nooo! College still goes on so I'm stuck in class for a while! Help


Well.... Guess who got sick this weekend! my nose is just congested so I cant breathe from it haha. My throat is super dry.... And you would think I have the day off cuz of Columbus day.... Well nooo! College still goes on so I'm stuck in class for a while! Help


After all that happened on Saturday my feelings are much better! I still feel sad for the people that lost their lives in the shooting at Walmart. And for all the people that got injured, may God bless you all and help you in the healing process. I wasn't even in the store at the moment but I can imagine the pain felt at the time. #prayforelpaso


I know. That’s so heart breaking :( another one happened in Ohio too.