
          	Good morning/afternoon/evening to everyone that is reading this and a happy New Year. I can not believe it's 2016. Well as most of you (I assume) I made some New Years resolution, now it's not the kind of "NEW YEAR NEW ME" crap, it's about cleaning stuff up and organizing everything. Basically getting my crap together. Excuse my language. Which is why I have decided that i am going to be deleting my stories, all except for "My Guardian" a Loki Laufeyson fanfiction which is my proudest work. I am not satisfied with the other books of mine so I will be deleting them all. Can i just please say how thankful I am for everything you guys have done?! Thank you for accepting me as a child and reading my stories. For not judging my abnormally awful grammar and spelling. (I tried and hey i'm from a non English speaking country so yeah) A HUGE THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO EVER VOTED. READ, COMMENTED ON MY BOOK! YOU GUYS MADE MY TEENAGE YEARS PERFECT. AND HELPED ME WITH MY LOW CONFIDENCE AND DOUBT IN MYSELF. THANK YOU ALL FOR EVERYTHING! I WISH YOU ALL THE BEST FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART IN THIS UPCOMING YEAR-2016. I also suggest that you get rid off all the negativity in your life, all of the things that have been holding you back, and just do what makes YOU happy. Follow you dreams. Thank you once more. I adore you. 
          	This was harder to write than I thought it would be, but it needed to be done. I apologize if I disappointed anyone but let me just tell you. I am just getting started. More is to come from me. 
          	All my stories except for "My Guardian" would be deleted in 7 days. Thank you for your time.


          Good morning/afternoon/evening to everyone that is reading this and a happy New Year. I can not believe it's 2016. Well as most of you (I assume) I made some New Years resolution, now it's not the kind of "NEW YEAR NEW ME" crap, it's about cleaning stuff up and organizing everything. Basically getting my crap together. Excuse my language. Which is why I have decided that i am going to be deleting my stories, all except for "My Guardian" a Loki Laufeyson fanfiction which is my proudest work. I am not satisfied with the other books of mine so I will be deleting them all. Can i just please say how thankful I am for everything you guys have done?! Thank you for accepting me as a child and reading my stories. For not judging my abnormally awful grammar and spelling. (I tried and hey i'm from a non English speaking country so yeah) A HUGE THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO EVER VOTED. READ, COMMENTED ON MY BOOK! YOU GUYS MADE MY TEENAGE YEARS PERFECT. AND HELPED ME WITH MY LOW CONFIDENCE AND DOUBT IN MYSELF. THANK YOU ALL FOR EVERYTHING! I WISH YOU ALL THE BEST FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART IN THIS UPCOMING YEAR-2016. I also suggest that you get rid off all the negativity in your life, all of the things that have been holding you back, and just do what makes YOU happy. Follow you dreams. Thank you once more. I adore you. 
          This was harder to write than I thought it would be, but it needed to be done. I apologize if I disappointed anyone but let me just tell you. I am just getting started. More is to come from me. 
          All my stories except for "My Guardian" would be deleted in 7 days. Thank you for your time.


I am afraid I won't be updating this weekend, I am going at my grandma's to help her with everything. :/ If I find somewhere Wi-Fi I would update even a short chapter. (My Grandma does not have Wi-Fi at her house :( ) Unfortunately, anyway, thanks for reading this. Lots of love. ^_^ xx


Just came back from my aunt's house. We celebrated Easter there. Unfortunately, I could not update, anyway, it's pretty late now, and I have school tomorrow so I can not update now either. When I come tomorrow from school I will. Anyway hope you had a great holiday. Happy Easter. ^_^ xx


I am going to write, more now, because I want to finish HVHW, so I can write my other books, anyway thank you for following me, reading my books, and stuff. It means a lot. For a while, I'll mostly just update HVHW. But, If I have time I'll update the other books, after all school started. :((( Love youu! ^_^ <333