
Guess who’s doneee with schoooolllll XD that was a long six months guys but ya bitch is graduating with her Vet Tech degreeeee. To celebrate I think we deserve a new chapter, don’t ya think?? 
          	To anyone who cares I’ll be updating the last two chapters, and by updating, I mean completing rewriting. Forget that nonsense I put up, I was confused, the new and improved last two chapters shall be up today! And then perhaps a new new chapter ?? Love anyone still here with me 


          	  IM SO PROUD OF YOU 


Guess who’s doneee with schoooolllll XD that was a long six months guys but ya bitch is graduating with her Vet Tech degreeeee. To celebrate I think we deserve a new chapter, don’t ya think?? 
          To anyone who cares I’ll be updating the last two chapters, and by updating, I mean completing rewriting. Forget that nonsense I put up, I was confused, the new and improved last two chapters shall be up today! And then perhaps a new new chapter ?? Love anyone still here with me 


            IM SO PROUD OF YOU 


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I know it’s been sooo long. I’ve got my ass back in school so don’t expect much from me for the next 6 months :( I’ve found this story to be something I look forward to writing but when it comes to posting, I crawl into a dark pit and die over and over. If anyone of you tell me to fuck it and post every draft, random scene, future plot, I would cause I think im done trying to make a story out of it. 
          You see I have a million scenes written out for this story. Like actually so so many. But they aren’t in order. They aren’t set up to align so that the story makes sense. That’s what takes so long with posting. So im so sick of it that if someone tells me fuck it, post it, post all the nonsense! I just might. And then you’d have hours and hours of this story to read but it would be up to you to fill in the gaps and make sense of which scene is supposed to go where. 
          Anyway I wanted to communicate that to my two fans before I drop off the face of planet for the next six months :/ I’ll miss you guys. So supportive and so genuine in your comments❤️ you few guys have kept my spirits high and smiles on my face. I’ll never forget how you guys made me feel and how encouraging you guys were and how inspiring you guys made me feel. 


@JAE_Wrote_This I understand you are taking a break for sure but could you maybe post it all and let us work it out, it’s really great so far


Dayum- but no yeah I totally understand the writing and posting part 
            It’s your story and you can do what you want with it :))




@JAE_Wrote_Try not to give up. it is completely ok to try take an break, but try and make to the end. If you can’t, thats ok, at least you tried.


*motivational speech here* 




I get so much done when I sit down and write once a month like I do...imagine if I did this every day..


Hey it didn’t send my emoji- offended


            Man my story’s coming along VERY slowly


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I been procrastinating mildly lately, mostly on vacation mode but still working every day I haven't been sleeping. I watched Babylon last night and oooomg it messed me up, has anyone here seen it??? It's daaaark as fuck and super saaaad like damn this world is doomed. But anyway, I'm gonna upload the next chapter UNEDITED so ya, enjpy :)


Alright, I been working on the next chapter all day! Over 116 songs later and I took one nap. Thinking about posting it in a minute, should I??? It's the treasure hunt.


I was sleeping but definite yessssssss
            When ur ready Ofc 




I edited the last chapter so its done now guys! I usually never post a chapter until its done but I had to put that last one up how it was it had been so long since I posted I felt bad! But I edited it now and its all good to go and done, onto the next we go!!! Give it a read, you don't even have to like it, just give it a chance because theres so much to come <3


Forgive me wattpad, for I have sinned. LMAOOOOO GUYS I'VE MADE A MISTAKE. I found a realllllyyy good smut book and binge read the whole thing and now I want to add smut to my story! OMG I swore I'd never but I can't stop laughing at how sinful that would be to go through with it! What do you guys think? Would you read some smut written by Jae?? lmaoooooo


            It’s ur book tho i wouldn’t mind 


@JAE_Wrote_This I read a smut and was inspired too, but put it in a separate story, or took out the scene and only added it to the "Mature" version


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Feeling impulsive and just might forget my whole story. Thinking about posting up everything written for it, so like lots of random scenes, out of order, empty pockets of time, but fuck it I wanna rewrite the whole thing as a script and god help me if no one stops me I just might.


@JAE_Wrote_This okay bestie, this means you need a break from the story. Try another work or editing on something in the meantime. We all get frustrated with our progress (or lack thereof) just give it time. Ive all but abandoned a work because of this, but it is still there, waiting unfinished, just like yours will be :)