Currently visiting back home for a bit but just wanted to pop on here and say thank u sm for 200+ reads on SMILE! I appreciate every single read/comment/like and thank u for loving the story :( updates will start from next week for all my stories I promise!! 


Currently visiting back home for a bit but just wanted to pop on here and say thank u sm for 200+ reads on SMILE! I appreciate every single read/comment/like and thank u for loving the story :( updates will start from next week for all my stories I promise!! 


I’m gonna aim to update SMILE! and MUSE this weekend!! I’ve been making small tweaks to the published chapters so far just because i wasn’t satisfied with the writing and i wanted to add more to the plot lol :[ plus idk if it was wise to start 2 stories whilst being a masters student LMAO so updates might be a bit slow at times but i will try my best to update as quick as i can </3 
          Ive also been brainstorming plot ideas for both of the stories to make it easier for me to write out the chapters and I’m super excited to get into writing them!!