
If anyone wants to do me a solid and read new story hatred of a killer I’m 3 parts in and wanna know if it’s entertaining, if anyone has free time. Thank you for your consideration : )


What up people


@alyciasgayraccoon Sure, I'll watch you go into a tornado only to see you get chucked around like a ragdoll :)


@ACThe100 well I have a pair of MAN BALLS so u can shut up and watch me go into the tornado


@ACThe100 which I would happily provide for the record — assuming I had some


Just checking in :)


@J_kum_Clexakru I love your books, and I know you will make more amazing books in the future. It's inevitable.


@Kaylee_Pederson awwww thank you so much genuinely!! I wish the exact same for you :)


I’m changing my name on here. I was gonna delete the full account but too many of y’all still read this stuff and that would be mean so I’m just gonna change my name because I am way too easy to find by real life friends. Anyway, to anyone still reading this stuff thanks I think and uh yeah…idk what else to say. I’ll check in later.


Awh that nice of u acc. I wanna read one of ur books rn


Guys…I’m not feeling confident about Warrior Nun anymore…


That was a good motivational speech ngl haha love it 


We have to keep our spirits up. The petition is at 110,000/150,000 signatures. About 1,000 people sign the petition every 1 to 2 days. Does it take sometime for a show to get uncancelled or picked up by another platform? Probably. Come on guys don’t give up hope!


Trying our very best not to lose hope but yeah, people are fighting in the fandom and everything… 


Vol 3- The US government:
          First of all, context for people from other countries:
          In the United States, government is split between three branches. The executive branch (President, Vice President, and other executive positions), The Judicial Branch (the Supreme Court and other courts), and the Legislative branch (The Senate and the House of Representatives). The 3rd most powerful government position in the US is the leader of the House of Representatives which is called The Speaker of the House. That election has been going on for several days now. The first time since the time since the years following the Civil War when the vote has taken more than 1 round of voting. That was 164 years ago. Tonight it took not 1, not 2, not 3, but 15 voting rounds to elect a speaker.
          My thoughts: Thank god for the U.S. House not having control of C-span cameras during the election of the Speaker of the House. Tonight everyone who watched has witnessed history. Messy history…but history nonetheless. 15 votes for speaker!! Crazy! Congress is more divided than ever and though the drama is obviously interesting, A LOT of work has to be done to make congress unite enough to get work done and function in the best interests of the American people.