
The next installment of "Seeking Sensation" is out now!! And right on schedule, too! I said Tuesday and we got it on Tuesday haha.
          	To make up for the first Povie, Trinette agrees to take part in a filming of an upcoming music festival! There are, however, a few problems: she can't go alone. And the age of regular concert viewing experiences are over. This is the Povie age! More people cherish reliving over living itself. The question is: how will these people react when someone else challenges the norm?
          	Enjoy, everyone! We're almost at the end! Unless I decide to make it 6 parts instead of 5! We'll see lmao


The next installment of "Seeking Sensation" is out now!! And right on schedule, too! I said Tuesday and we got it on Tuesday haha.
          To make up for the first Povie, Trinette agrees to take part in a filming of an upcoming music festival! There are, however, a few problems: she can't go alone. And the age of regular concert viewing experiences are over. This is the Povie age! More people cherish reliving over living itself. The question is: how will these people react when someone else challenges the norm?
          Enjoy, everyone! We're almost at the end! Unless I decide to make it 6 parts instead of 5! We'll see lmao


Somewhat surprising news: the next installment of "Seeking Sensation" was so large, I had to split it in two! This right here is the first half, the one that used to be the teaser!
          Admittedly this is more of a buildup to the next part BUT it is setting up some huge earth-shaking events and news. The second part will be on its way ASAP! Expect it to be published no later than this Tuesday; needs a little more touch-ups after all.
          And as you can see, it appears that the story will consist of 5 parts rather than 4! It may even reach 6. This story just has so much room to expand! I just hope it's been as entertaining to read as it has been to write haha.
          Thanks again everyone! And enjoy :)


Bright Lights & Dark Secrets has just reached 500 reads!!!
          And even better news: the next installment of “Seeking Sensation” will be out VERY very soon…And hopefully the rest of it will flow out nice and good, too, because we’re almost done with it! Been my favorite story in the collection to write so far and I hope you’ve all been enjoying it too.
          Thanks again, everyone! And have a good evening :)


Necrocide has just reached 80,000 reads!!!
          Thank you all once again for showing my stories some love! Granted, that was is definitely a little museum piece of mind to remind me of how far I’ve come in terms of writing style, meaning I cringe every time I reread excerpts of it lol. But wow did I enjoy writing it! And I hope it remains just as fun for all of you :)
          Thanks again, everyone! And have a great rest of your day :)


Ladies and gentlemen, I come to you with a gift!
          I know it's still been taking me time and time to publish this story. Life's been busy, yada yada yada, I know I shouldn't be giving excuses. I really want you all to read the complete version of "Seeking Sensation" but dear god have I been struggling to have this story reach its full potential! That's why, in the meantime, I have provided you with what I'd consider the FIRST HALF of Part 3. That way you have something to keep you hooked during the wait :)
          And speaking of which, I have just realized this story will be best told in 4 parts instead of 3. Maybe even 5. We'll see. But until then, hope you've all been enjoying it so far! Hope you've been as intrigued as I am to see what comes next ;)
          That's all for now! Have a good day, everyone!


Cognitive Deviance has officially reached 300,000 reads!!!
          Awesome awesome AWESOME! Glad you’re all still enjoying it :) Still working on Bright Lights & Dark Secrets! Maybe one day it’ll get the same love you guys have been showing my other stuff haha :)
          That’s all for now! Everyone have a great day!


After months of waiting, Part 2 of "Seeking Sensation" is out now!!
          Loads of mysteries to uncover for Trinette. What good could come from delving into the Povie industry? Is Bash really as kindly as he seems? Who is this Trevor and what does she have to do with Trinette?
          Enjoy, everyone! And, uh, maybe don't get your hopes up about the next part coming out anytime soon lol. These stories are just a little harder to write than they seem.


Bright Lights & Dark Secrets has just reached 400 reads!!!
          Sure, it may seem like small potatoes compared to Necrocide and Cognitive Deviance, but there is no way to go but up! And ladies and gentlemen, I have another announcement:
          In just a few minutes, the second installation of Seeking Sensation will be uploaded!!
          I know it took such a long damn time to continue this story, but this has been my favorite to explore in the whole collection so far! And I know a few of you have told me you feel the same way! So I do NOT want to let you guys down and deliver you a story that isn't worth your time.
          So stick around! A very cool treat is on its way!