An Autistic Multiverse Creating Writing God who loves beautiful women, chubby women to cuddle, And Harems.
  • North Carolina
  • انضمAugust 18, 2019

الرسالة الأخيرة
JackDroid JackDroid Jul 18, 2024 11:15PM
In the Absolute Shounen Verse...Spongebob: Okay Gary I confront the Intruder and You Bark as Loud as you can.Gary: Meow?Spongebob: Sorry I mean Roar. Okay... Now!He then turned on the Light and G...
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصص بقلم HaremMasterJack
Nurse Hitomi's Autistic Friend! بقلم JackDroid
Nurse Hitomi's Autistic Friend!
This is another try at A Full Blown Nurse Hitomi Monster Infirmary Harem story so Hope you Like it!
The Absolute Shounen Jump Hero! بقلم JackDroid
The Absolute Shounen Jump Hero!
Ever Heard of the Ultimate Marvel Universe? This is the Shounen Jump version of it! Enjoy! A/n: Y/n and All H...
The Ultimate Shounen Jump Hero! (Book 13) بقلم JackDroid
The Ultimate Shounen Jump Hero! (B...
Hey, Y/n Here and Man 13 Books! Never thought we would get this Far! This is going to be A Great Book full of...
18 قوائم قراءة