
Anyone interested in my books? You may continue to write the stories, and go on with your own m in mindset. Although I loved all time spent on these books, I can no longer continue. 


Anyone want to help with a new theme..? 


@-olleff ofc! I sure will thank you! ❤


@JackGilinskie ofc, hmu and we’ll work on some theme ideas


@-olleff please!! I've had this theme for half of the year lol


I don't like Madison Beer and I am honest about it. She is a very beautiful girl but I don't I do like her song, dead but not her I really dislike when people try to defend her. Not everyone will agree with you. And not everyone has to like her. Not that you can't live her anyless, it's just I don't bash you and how you feel don't attempt to do it to me. I sat it with love because she really is pretty, but you can't preach about self worth and love when you photo shop pictures. Second, you supporters have been lied to about an album coming.. And you haven't. That's what disappoints me, I feel she doesn't deserve the recognition she has but if you love her and support her I'm glad you, but I have my reasoning but I don't want you or anyone to change your mind. We all won't agree but, I hope you guys understand.. 


@JackGilinskie my point.. dislike when people disrespect me for the way I feel .. when I do not disrespect anyone for worshiping her even if she isn't honest and loyal or committed 


Rt baby, rt