
I was hoping to experience the total solar eclipse on Monday but there is also a chance of rain happening. A solar eclipse in the rain. How interesting, yet frustrating.


Hello my Jack o Lanterns. I definitely want to apologize for not uploading or mentioning anything Halloween related. That was because I got sidetracked with other things and it came quick due to time flying. I will promise something for Christmas however. I'm thinking of another Christmas carol story with a Certain Oblivion Character. Though the holiday will be called something else because Tamriel but it's similar to Christmas.


Part 2
          This is why I don't call him a bad writer (well not yet) because I don't know what's going on with him other than some health issues. His future manga may actually end up being better since he is planning on making that horror one. Yes he's made some mistakes but he may learn from some of them. Every writer does, it's really hard to make a perfect story with no flaws. For now I do have faith he has potential to do better. 
          Calling him a sexist is another complaint I don't necessarily agree with. First of all yes the female characters could get some more attention but that's in a lot of shonen from what I've heard. Ochaco, Momo, Midnight, Star and Stripe, ect needed more screen time and character development but calling him a sexist for it is just downright exaggerating. Yes I am aware of the infamous Invisible Girl panel thing but that may have not been for sexist reasons. The people saying so could be feminist nuts for all I know.
          For all the complaining in these social media apps (yes not where the best critics are) it's clearly not fixing all the problems in the manga. I won't even talk about the shipping hate I'm sure you all know that one. Hate him, call him whatever you want but I'm telling you it's a waste of time. You can just leave the series entirely if you don't like what's going on. I'm staying around to the end but you don't see me calling the author names 24/7. Even in private I don't. He may be a bad writer or maybe he's better than you realize. If he didn't decide to end the manga now it may actually be at least a little better, maybe even a lot better. Characters having more room to breath would better the story and pacing. But right now I can tell Hori is actually at least trying not to make the whole arc a 100% trainwreck.
          Anyway that's all. Good night my Jack o Lanterns.


Harassing The Author is A Waste of Time. Here's Why. (My Hero Academia)
          Okay I understand the hate Kohei Horikoshi is getting he did make some poor choices that fans don't like (I myself included). The thing is though, calling him bad names is not going to fix the issues in the manga.
          We're allowed to criticize it. We're allowed to say the writing is bad. I will say the final arc is not one of my favorites so far. I say it's one of the weaker ones but that doesn't give me the excuse to call him bad names for it. He may be playing some things a bit too safe but to be fair I don't really see a lot of manga written from him. That may be because of the extended amount of time to make one though but this could also hint he's probably fairly new so he may just be getting a little better at writing as he goes on. Or he probably did plan better things for MHA but something may have happened. What I'm saying is I don't really know what's going on with his life or his career all that much but it may be for the best and I respect others privacy.


Oh my God. Don't you just hate it when Wattpad quits on you. Then you have to get back in and all all of a sudden you lose a huge chunk of your progress. That progress was ending a fighting scene which are a pain to do for me and now I have to do it all over again. Don't worry I'm not going to quit writing it's just really annoying to have the app crash especially if have not saving in a while. I still like making fanfictions but it can be hard to make a good one especially if English isn't your best subject. It's a lot of work but it can be worth it in the end. Man it took me a little while to write that paragraph. Feel free to tell me if this has happened to you before. Remember keep going and it may be worth it. You might even write a better version of the paragraph. It's okay if you need to take a break but you only failed if you give up completely. I'm frustrated but I'm not done.


Hey my Jack o Lanterns. If I was the one who started the story deletion drama I'm really sorry for that. I and maybe everyone else has read that explanation too have read a true meaning of that message and I like to apologize for any misinformation from my last post. Now I actually wasn't sure if Wattpad said they would delete my stories I haven't worked on in a while or not. Yes I was a little panicky but I think I wrote it where that post made people think I 100% believed in it where I should've at least mentioned 'if that is what the message is saying?'. Again I got a little panicky but that's no excuse for being lazy. The person who had a better understanding of that message I thank you for explaining that better but don't act like you haven't made mistakes before okay. I'm not stupid okay (Okay I say I am sometimes but that's just a saying when I'm frustrated at  myself). I have made mistakes before (including this one), but I'm not dumb. Nobody's smart all the time okay. I can't stay mad a you though because you explained that message and I appreciate that. Again I'm sorry if I caused the silly rumor. I always seem to be spreading misinformation and misunderstandings. I really need to try harder.