
Okay, so I have started to read the school bus graveyard, and I am now obsessed and have read all of it in one night.


I would just like to apologise to the people who read my stories in a technical form of advance as they have already started and will pick up very quickly. Basically my GCSE's are starting and I want to keep writing as I need to put my ideas somewhere, but with the exams there will probably be a bit of a wait between chapters. Seriously.
          My dates go as follows:
          (I will say dates not subjects)
          - 8th May
          - 10th May
          - 14th May
          -14th May
          (I have 2 exams on the same day)
          - 15th May
          - 16th May
          - 17th May
          - 21 May
          - 22 May
          - 24 May
          - 3rd June
          - 7th June
          - 11th June
          - 14th June
          Then after all of these I am done with school until September and I will be able to write a lot more chapter like how I posted 2 in a day a few weeks a go. So wish me luck and thanks in technical advance for being patient for being patient.


Private info I will not share


@Jack_Wukong wait what school do you go to? 


Thanks for the follow! Love your profile picture btw!
          May I ask how you came across my account heh?


I think I saw one of your comments on a fanfic, and I just had a look as most of the time, there are usually lists of genres and fandoms, so I try to fund new books via those.
            I honestly dent known if it wa intentional or not, but I do follow most if not all of the accounts I look at


Sorry if this sounds weird, but please start commenting on the chapters as they are my literal inspiration to keep this going. The fuel for the train of though you can call it.
          Also I don't mind what it can even just be a random conversation about something random. I won't care I just need it and will probably read all of them to see what happens.
          But please just comment something!
          (Sorry if it's a strange request)


So I am going on my sprig holidays and so I should hopefully be able to post 2 chapters per week depending on how things go.
          Also any schedule is going out the window for the for see able future as it is too pressuring to finish by certain days and if I finish early then I have to wait. So no more of that, so it will just update when I finish the chapter