
Hiii btw I love ur stories but sorry when do you think you will make a new one???? Also if you do make a another one can it be like the 'drama matt sturniolo' one?? Sorry again for being like this lol


@MegaMattSupporter that's okay!!! Take ur time its all good  


@MegaMattSupporter I probably will not be able to make a story for awhile since I am way to busy with so many things.


Also, another dumb question, but what do votes on stories do?


@MegaMattSupporter Its fine I dont mind you asking me questions, I love to help people, But I would suppose that the votes on stories. Show newer readers how many likes the story has and how liked the story is, like how good the story was and how well written it is. That is how I see them, the more votes the better. Its kinda like readers are voting for new readers to read the book. You get me?


Are you going to do more chapters to what is that 


@Queens_Angles Yes I am, I just finished my second story last night and I played on that after I finished that story I would go back and work on "What Is That?". So yes within the next week maybe month ill start up the story again. I only took a break from it because I couldn't write on stories at a time.